Rosemary Rhiannon Bishop

Associate Professor

Rosemary Rhiannon Bishop



Location: ARKEOLOGISK MUSEUM, Universitetet i Stavanger


Museum of Archaeology

Department of Cultural Heritage

About me

I am an archaeobotanist and environmental archaeologist, and my research focuses on the archaeology of Scotland, North-West Europe and the North Atlantic islands. I am particularly interested in hunter-gatherer plant use, the changing nature of people-plant interactions during the transition from hunter-gathering to agriculture, and changing agricultural practices in relation to climate, environmental and social change.

I analyse archaeobotanical remains from the museum’s excavations, which date from the Mesolithic to the Medieval period, and research hunter-gatherers and early farmers in Scotland, Norway and the wider North-West European/North Atlantic region. In 2024 I will lead a research project at the Centre for Advanced Study in Oslo which will examine the resilience of prehistoric farmers to climate deterioration in early prehistory. I co-lead the FRONTIERS network at the University of Stavanger (with Dr Daniel Fredh, University of Stavanger) (

Please see my personal website for further information:


Research Interests

  • Archaeobotany: continuity and change in crop production, land use, wild plant gathering, use of fuels and human-environment interactions

  • Mesolithic and Neolithic archaeology: hunter-gatherer and early farmer economies, hunter-gatherer plant use, changing agricultural practices, speed and nature of the transition to agriculture, adaptations to challenging environments and climate change

  • Archaeobotanical taphonomy and experimental archaeology

  • Role, potential and issues with the use of archaeological data to inform current and future responses to climate/environmental change


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Warren, Graeme M.


Iron Age Activity beside the River Dee, Cairngorms.

Scottish Archaeological Journal.

ISSN 1471-5767.

Volum 46.

Hefte 1.


DOI: 10.3366/saj.2024.0200

Treasure, Edward R.; Gröcke, Darren R.; Lester, Jonathan J.; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Jackson, Samuel E.; Church, Mike J.


Further investigation into the impact of manuring on stable carbon (δ<sup>13</sup>C) and nitrogen isotope (δ<sup>15</sup>N) values in pulses: a four-year experiment examining Celtic bean (Vicia faba).

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences.

ISSN 1866-9557.

Volum 16.

Hefte 8.

DOI: 10.1007/s12520-024-02045-x

Hastie, Mhairi; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Carbonised plant remains.

Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports.

ISSN 1473-3803.

Volum 103.


DOI: 10.9750/issn.2056-7421.2023.103

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Kubiak-Martens, Lucy; Warren, Graeme M.; Church, Mike J.


Getting to the root of the problem: new evidence for the use of plant root foods in Mesolithic hunter-gatherer subsistence in Europe.

Vegetation History and Archaeobotany.

ISSN 0939-6314.

DOI: 10.1007/s00334-022-00882-1

Hammann, Simon; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Copper, Mike; Garrow, Duncan; Greenwood, Caitlin; Hewson, Lanah; Sheridan, Alison; Sturt, Fraser; Whelton, Helen; Cramp, Lucy J. E.


Neolithic culinary traditions revealed by cereal, milk and meat lipids in pottery from Scottish crannogs.

Nature Communications.

ISSN 2041-1723.

Volum 13.

Hefte 1.

DOI: 10.1038/s41467-022-32286-0

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Gröcke, Darren R.; Ralston, Ian; Clarke, David; Lee, Daniel H.J.; Shepherd, Alexandra; Thomas, Antonia S.; Rowley-Conwy, Peter A.; Church, Mike J.


Scotland's first farmers: new insights into early farming practices in North-west Europe.


ISSN 0003-598X.

Volum 96.

Hefte 389.


DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2022.107

Morrison, Kathleen D.; Hammer, Emily; Boles, Oliver; Madella, Marco; Whitehouse, Nicola; Gaillard, Marie-Jose; Bates, Jennifer; Vander Linden, Marc; Merlo, Stefania; Yao, Alice; Popova, Laura; Hill, Austin Chad; Antolin, Ferran; Bauer, Andrew; Biagetti, Stefano; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Buckland, Phillip; Cruz, Pablo; Dreslerová, Dagmar; Dusseldorp, Gerrit; Ellis, Erle; Filipovic, Dragana; Foster, Thomas; Hannaford, Matthew J.; Harrison, Sandy P.; Hazarika, Manjil; Herold, Hajnalka; Hilpert, Johanna; Kaplan, Jed O.; Kay, Andrea; Klein Goldewijk, Kees; Kolář, Jan; Kyazike, Elizabeth; Laabs, Julian; Lancelotti, Carla; Lane, Paul; Lawrence, Dan; Lewis, Krista; Lombardo, Umberto; Lucarini, Giulio; Arroyo-Kalin, Manuel; Marchant, Rob; Mayle, Francis; McClatchie, Meriel; McLeester, Madeleine; Mooney, Scott; Moskal-del Hoyo, Magdalena; Navarrete, Vanessa; Ndiema, Emmanuel; Góes Neves, Eduardo; Nowak, Marek; Out, Welmoed A.; Petrie, Cameron; Phelps, Leanne N.; Pinke, Zsolt; Rostain, Stéphen; Russell, Thembi; Sluyter, Andrew; Styring, Amy K.; Tamanaha, Eduardo; Thomas, Evert; Veerasamy, Selvakumar; Welton, Lynn; Zanon, Marco


Mapping past human land use using archaeological data: A new classification for global land use synthesis and data harmonization.


ISSN 1932-6203.

Volum 16.

Hefte 4.

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0246662

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Hunter-gatherer carbohydrate consumption: plant roots and rhizomes as staple foods in Mesolithic Europe.

World archaeology.

ISSN 0043-8243.

Volum 53.

Hefte 2.


DOI: 10.1080/00438243.2021.2002715

Rowley-Conwy, P. A.; Gron, K. J.; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Dunne, J.; Evershed, R.; Longford, C.; Schulting, R.; Treasure, E.


The earliest farming in Britain: towards a new synthesis. I: Farmers at the Frontier: A Pan-European Perspective..

Oxbow Books.

ISBN 978-1-78925-140-1.


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Experiments on the effects of charring on hazelnuts and their representation in the archaeological record.

Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

ISSN 2352-409X.

Volum 26.

DOI: 10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.05.004

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, M. J.; Lawson, I. T.; Roucoux, K.; O’Brien, C.; Heald, A. J.; Flitcroft, C.


Deforestation and Human Agency in the North Atlantic Region: Archaeological and Palaeoenvironmental Evidence from the Western Isles of Scotland.

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS).

ISSN 0079-497X.

Volum 84.


DOI: 10.1017/ppr.2018.8

Piper, S. F.; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Rowley-Conwy, P. A.; Elliott, L.; Church, M. J.


Fire in the Moor: Mesolithic carbonised remains in riverine deposits at Gleann Mor Barabhais, Lewis, Western Isles of Scotland.

Journal of the North Atlantic.

ISSN 1935-1984.

Volum 35.


DOI: 10.3721/037.006.3501

O’Meara, D. P.; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Environmental Analysis. In Jackson, D. Neolithic to Romano-British occupation at Durranhill, Carlisle: Archaeological Investigations 1997-8 and 2011.

Transactions of the Cumberland & Westmorland Antiquarian & Archaeological Society.

ISSN 0309-7986.

Volum 16.


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, M. J.; Rowley-Conwy, P. A.


Firewood, food and niche construction: the potential role of Mesolithic hunter-gatherers in actively structuring Scotland’s woodlands.

Quaternary Science Reviews.

ISSN 0277-3791.

Volum 108.


DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.11.004

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, M. J.; Rowley-Conwy, P. A.


Seeds, fruits and nuts in the Scottish Mesolithic.

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

ISSN 0081-1564.

Volum 143.


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, M. J.; Dugmore, A. J.; Madsen, C. K.; Møller, N. A.


A charcoal-rich horizon at Ø69, Greenland: evidence for vegetation burning during the Norse landnám?.

Journal of Archaeological Science.

ISSN 0305-4403.

Volum 40.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jas.2013.04.012

Edwards, B.; Miket, R.; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


The excavation of Duddo Stone Circle, Northumberland.

Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society (PPS).

ISSN 0079-497X.

Volum 77.


DOI: 10.1017/S0079497X00000712

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, M. J.; Rowley-Conwy, P. A.


Cereals, fruits and nuts in the Scottish Neolithic.

Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

ISSN 0081-1564.

Volum 139.


Bøker og kapitler

Dugstad, Sigrid Alræk; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Fredh, Erik Daniel; Denham, Sean Dexter


Arkeologisk og naturvitenskapelig sikringsgraving i Stangelandshelleren (Id 15068-2) .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2024/09.

Gil Bell, Theo Eli; Correia, Joana; Redmond, James Joseph; Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Arkeologisk og naturvitenskapelig undersøkelse av røysfelt, graver, dyrkningslag, bosetningsspor og stakketuft fra senneolitikum, bronsealder og førromersk jernalder på Lonaheia, Nedre Øksnavad (gnr. 7, bnr. 1, 8, 14), Klepp kommune. (Id. 249305, 249303, 249299)..

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2024/10.

Sørskog, Oliver Djøseland; Redmond, James Joseph; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Jensen, Christin E; Mooney, Dawn Elise


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av en innlandslokalitet fra steinalder med spor etter aktivitet fra jernalder og historisk tid. Hedleren, gnr. 58/2, Lund kommune. Prosjekt: A rkeologi på nye veier. «Hedlersvatnet».

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2024/12.

Dugstad, Sigrid Alræk; Lindell, Satu Helena; Meling, Trond; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologiske undersøkelser av tidligmesolittisk boplass, bosetningsspor fra bronse- og jernalder på Meling, Austre Åmøy (Id 156807 og Id 156892) : gnr. 3, bnr. 3,6, Stavanger kommune .

Hefte 08.

van de Lagemaat, Ester; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Dahl, Barbro Irene


Arkeologisk og naturvitenskapelig undersøkelse av hus fra yngre romertid og folkevandringstid på Løland gnr. 247 bnr. 2 i Sandnes kommune, Rogaland (id. 219567). .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2023/04.

Ødegaard, Marie; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Lechterbeck, Jutta


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av bosetningsspor. Diagonalen. id 142078, gnr. 19, bnr. 1. i Stavanger kommune. .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2023/08.

van de Lagemaat, Ester; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Jensen, Christin E


Arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige undersøkelser av steinalderlokalitet Ausetjørna 2 (id. 277871) : gnr. 56, bnr. 1 og 1 i Bjerkreim kommunde. Del av prosjekt 'Arkeologi på nye veier' .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2023/23.

Warren, Graeme; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Moucheron, Martin; Redmond, James Joseph


Archaeological Fieldwork at Sgòr an Eoin 2022: interim report 1.

Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Undersøkelse av tre stakketufter (ID 24191, 61080 og 65731) fra vikingtid/middelalder på Hå Søndre. Gnr. 10, Bnr. 5, Hå kommune .

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2021/14.

Sørskog, Oliver Djøseland; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Arkeologisk undersøkelse av en mesolittisk boplass på Sør-Hidle, gnr. 65, bnr. 7,12, Strand kommune, Rogaland..

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

Hefte 2021/5.


Lechterbeck, Jutta; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Nyland, Astrid Johanne


Mattradisjoner gjennom 8200 år. I: Å finne hjem. Steinalderens mangfold fra 9500 til 1800 f.Kr..

Arkeologisk Museum i Stavanger.

ISBN 978-82-7760-199-1.


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Identifying Resilient Cultivation Strategies in Relation to Climate Change in Prehistory.

European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

2024-08-28 - 2024-08-31.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Brophy, Kenny; Mainland, Ingrid; Nyland, Astrid Johanne


Climate, crops and crisis? Examining agricultural adaptation and resilience to climate change in prehistory.

Association for Environmental Archaeology 44th conference;

2024-12-12 - 2024-12-14.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Resilience and adaptation of cultivation strategies in prehistoric North-West Europe.

Nordic Climate History;

2024-05-23 - 2024-05-24.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Welcome and introduction to Climate, Crops and Crisis project.

Identifying human-climate interactions in the past conference;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Climate, Crops and Crisis? Examining Agricultural Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in Prehistory.

Netias annual meeting;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Fredh, Erik Daniel


Introduction to the FRONTIERS workshop.

FRONTIERS workshop;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Mainland, Ingrid


Climate crops and crisis project: current considerations .

Centre for Advanced Study seminar series;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Climate, Crops, and Crisis? Examining Agricultural Adaptation and Resilience to Climate Change in Prehistory .

Centre for Advanced Study Opening Ceremony;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Archaeobotanical evidence for agricultural change.

Climate, Crops and Crisis? workshop;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Definitions of resilience.

Climate, Crops and Crisis? workshop;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Introduction to the project and workshop.

Climate, Crops and Crisis? workshop;


Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Vegetation history/prehistoric agriculture in Rogaland/SW Norway.

Introduction to the programme research area FRONTIERS (From foragers to farmers in North-West Europe: Interdisciplinary studies of people, environment and society from the Mesolithic to Bronze Age);

2023-02-28 - .

Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


FRONTIERS workshop introduction.

Understanding the transition to agriculture and the development of early agricultural practices in Norway;

2023-11-06 - .

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Gröcke, Darren R.; Thomas, Antonia S.; Lee, Daniel H. L.; Church, Mike J.


Investigating crop growing conditions and changing cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland using archaeobotanical and stable isotope analysis.

Nordic Archaeobotany Group conference;

2023-11-14 - 2023-11-15.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Gröcke, Darren R.; Thomas, Antonia S.; Lee, Daniel H. L.; Church, Mike J.


Adaptation and resilience of cereal cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland.

European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.

Timpany, Scott; Haston, Sarah-Jane; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Card, Nick


Farming at the edge – neolithic agricultural evidence from the Ness of Brodgar, Orkney.

European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

2023-08-30 - 2023-09-02.

Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Inferring Agricultural Practices in Southwestern Norway Using Stable Isotope Analysis of Charred Cereal Grains.

28th European Association of Archaeologists Annual Meeting;

2022-08-31 - 2022-09-03.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Fredh, Erik Daniel


Continuity or change in cultivation practices in South-west Norway from the Neolithic to Iron Age?.

19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany;

2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, Mike J.; Gröcke, Darren R.


Resilience and adaptation of cultivation strategies in Neolithic Scotland.

Human Agency and Global Challenges Re-Centering Social Change in Archaeology Conference;

2022-09-15 - 2022-09-17.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Kubiak-Martens, L.; Warren, Graeme M.; Church, Mike J.


Getting to the Root of the Problem: on the importance of plant root foods in Mesolithic hunter-gatherer subsistence in Europe.

19th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany;

2022-06-13 - 2022-06-17.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Plants and People in Mesolithic Scotland.

Prehistory on the Edge Conference;

2022-11-11 - 2022-11-12.

Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Church, Mike J.; Gröcke, Darren R.


Adaptation and changing land-use in Neolithic Scotland.

Association for Environmental Archaeology Conference;

2022-12-02 - 2022-12-04.

Fredh, Erik Daniel; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


Enigmatic earthworks: the interpretation of hay-stack foundations in south-western Norway.

Nordic Archaeobotany Group (NAG) meeting;


Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon


People, plants and fire in the Mesolithic and Neolithic.

Forskerforum, Arkeologisk Museum, University of Stavanger;

2020-12-01 - .

Kunstnerisk produksjon

Ramberg, Linn Eikje; Armstrong-Oma, Kristin; Moen Danielsen, Marte; Bishop, Rosie Rhiannon; Mooney, Dawn Elise; Reiersen, Håkon; Hollund, Hege Ingjerd; Nyland, Astrid Johanne; Ebert, Bettina; Ødegaard, Marie Kjærnet


Møt forskeren.
