Mehdi Torkaman

Ekstern tilknyttet UiS

Mehdi Torkaman




Faculty of Arts and Education

Department of Cultural Studies and Languages

  • Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
  • Bøker og kapitler
  • Formidling
    • Graesse, Malin Kristine; Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi


      EnviroCitizen - The Citizens Count Video Series .

    • Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi


      Fuel and Feminism: Oil, Women, and the Urbanization of Nature in State of Happiness.


      2022-08-24 - 2022-08-27.

    • Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi; Dietrichson, Susanne


      Feminisme trumfer miljø i TV-serien «Lykkeland».

    • Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi


      Fuel and Feminism: Oil, Women, and the Urbanization of Nature in State of Happiness.

      SERIE 112: Norske oljeeventyr 2: Lykkeland i solnedgang;


    • Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi


      Scrolling through solar futures: Reflecting upon the affordances of the internet as a tool for collective worldbuilding.

      Narrating Nature: Online Workshop with the Asia-Norway Environmental Storytelling Network (ANEST);

      2021-07-02 - 2021-07-03.

    • Røstvik, Harald Nils; Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi; Syse, Helleik Line; Harket, Morten


      The Sunshine Revolution: film screening and conversation between Morten Harket and Harald N. Røstvik.

      The Sunshine Revolution;


    • Torkaman Momeni, Mehdi


      Traveling and sense of place.

      Talk about "Traveling and sense of place";


  • Kunstnerisk produksjon
  • Kommersialisering
  • Cristin hovedlogo, Cristin current research information system in Norway