Andreas Østbø Fidjeland

Associate Professor

Andreas Østbø Fidjeland


Telephone: 51832729 / 98469293


Room: HG Q-262

Location: Læringsmiljøsenteret, avd. Stavanger


Faculty of Arts and Education

Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research in Education

About me

Andreas Fidjeland is an associate professor of organization and management at the Norwegian Centre for Learning Environment and Behavioural Research in Education. His research primarily centers on education policy, particularly as it relates to measures aimed at affecting behavior and decision-making in educational contexts. Topics of interest include efforts at the systemic and institutional levels to improve education quality, the relationship between incentives, motivation, and effort as well as how policy influence the types of education students pursue. He explores these topics using a variety of experimental and quasi-experimental methods, with the goal of uncovering causal relationships between policies and educational outcomes. Among current projects he leads a work-package in the Research Council-funded project Designing incentive systems in higher education, in which the research team collaborates with Lånekassen to develop an intervention aimed at improving the efficacy of the financial incentives embedded in the student loans and grants system. 

In addition to his position at the University of Stavanger, Fidjeland is also affilitated with the Nordic Institute for Studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU), where he is part of the section for studies of higher education. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Stavanger in 2022.


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Bettinger, Eric Perry; Fidjeland, Andreas


College rankings, labor market outcomes, and alumni satisfaction.

Education Economics.

ISSN 0964-5292.

Volum 32.

Hefte 5.


DOI: 10.1080/09645292.2024.2354848

Fevang, Elisabeth; Fidjeland, Andreas; Gautun, Heidi; Lillebråten, Andreas; Lillebø, Otto Sevaldson


Turnusordninger i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester – kraftig vekst i omfang av langvakter, årsturnus og fleksibel turnus.

Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning.

ISSN 2387-5976.

Volum 10.

Hefte 3.


DOI: 10.18261/tfo.10.3.1

Fidjeland, Andreas


Using high-stakes grades to incentivize learning.

Economics of Education Review.

ISSN 0272-7757.

Volum 94.

DOI: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2023.102377

Fidjeland, Andreas; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Reducing the gender gap in early learning: Evidence from a field experiment in Norwegian preschools.

European Economic Review.

ISSN 0014-2921.

Volum 154.

DOI: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2023.104413

Bøker og kapitler

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Essays on the Economics of Education: Policies for Academic Transitions.

Universitetet i Stavanger.

Hefte 621.


Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Kjønnsforskjeller i overgangen mellom barnehage og skole.

Pangstart Overgangsprosjektet;


Fidjeland, Andreas


Financial Incentives in Student Loans and Social Equality.



Fidjeland, Andreas


Insentivordninger og fordeling av studiestipend.

Presentasjon av tidlige funn;


Reiling, Rune Borgan; Alne, Ragnar Hjellset; Vennerød-Diesen, Frida Felicia; Pedersen, Cathrine; Fidjeland, Andreas


Evaluering av forsøk med vurdering av orden og oppførsel uten karakter.

ISBN 978-82-327-0666-2.

Hefte 12.

Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth; Fidjeland, Andreas


Et kunnskapsløst forslag til ny stipendordning.


ISSN 0805-3847.

Fidjeland, Andreas


Gender Gaps in Early Childhood Education.

Samfunnsøkonomenes Forskermøte;

2024-11-28 - 2024-11-29.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Kapasitet for endring - Tankesett om egenskaper i personalet.



Fevang, Elisabeth; Fidjeland, Andreas; Hauge, Karen Evelyn; Lillebø, Otto Sevaldson


Effects of Compressed Work Schedules on Sickness Absence.

Memorandum from Department of Economics, University of Oslo.

ISSN 0809-8786.

Størksen, Ingunn; Fidjeland, Andreas; Rege, Mari


Guttene trenger mer fleksibel pedagogikk - ikke fleksibel skolestart.

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).

ISSN 0804-3116.

Volum 164.

Hefte 105.


Størksen, Ingunn; Fidjeland, Andreas; Rege, Mari


Se på innholdet i barnehagen og første trinn i skolen!.

Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.).

ISSN 0804-3116.

Fidjeland, Andreas; Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike


Utbredelsen av digital undervisning i norsk høyere utdanning.

Fidjeland, Andreas


Demand for online teaching - Evidence from a survey experiment.

Seventh International Meeting on Experimental and Behavioral Social Sciences;

2023-05-18 - 2023-05-20.

Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas


Demand for online teaching - Evidence from a survey experiment.

EAIR Forum Linz 2023;

2023-09-03 - 2023-09-06.

Fidjeland, Andreas; Knutsen, Tora Kjærnes; Stubhaug, Magnus Eliasson


Betydningen av bosted for utdanningsvalg.

Fidjeland, Andreas; Stubhaug, Magnus Eliasson


Bosted etter studiene.

Fidjeland, Andreas; Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike


Cross-Disciplinary Differences in the Use of Digital Tools: Survey Evidence from Norway.

EAIR Forum;

2023-09-03 - 2023-09-06.

Bettinger, Eric Perry; Fidjeland, Andreas


College Rankings, Labor Market Outcomes, and Alumni Satisfaction.

EALE Conference;

2023-09-21 - 2023-09-23.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Thijssen, Maximiliaan Willem Pierre


The Long-Term Impact of Family Disruptions in Childhood.

Research Seminar;


Fidjeland, Andreas; Korseberg, Lene Kirstine


Høyere utdanning er allerede geografisk tilgjengelig.

ISSN 1894-8995.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Korseberg, Lene Kirstine


Høyere utdanning er allerede geografisk tilgjengelig.

ISSN 1894-8995.

Eide, Thea; Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Holtermann, Helge; Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth


Dokumentasjon av data fra Kandidatundersøkelsen 2021: Spørreundersøkelse til personer som ble uteksaminert med mastergrad våren 2021.

ISBN 978-82-327-0559-7.

Hefte 6.

Holtermann, Helge; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth; Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Lettere overgang til arbeidslivet med fersk mastergrad.

Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Eide, Thea; Holtermann, Helge; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth; Frølich, Nicoline


Konsekvenser av strukturreformen: Tilfredshet blant kandidatene.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Hovdhaugen, Elisabeth


Studenters motiver for valg av studiested.

ISBN 978-82-327-0558-0.

Hefte 5.

Fidjeland, Andreas; Rege, Mari; Størksen, Ingunn; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy


Reducing the Gender Gap in Early Learning: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Norwegian Preschools.

EALE confernce;

2022-09-08 - 2022-09-10.

Wiborg, Vegard Sjurseike; Fidjeland, Andreas; Eide, Thea; Holtermann, Helge; Skjelbred, Siv-Elisabeth; Frølich, Nicoline Sidsel


Konsekvenser av strukturreformen: Tilfredshet blant kandidatene.

Arendalsuka 2022;

2022-08-18 - .

Fidjeland, Andreas


Overgang fra barnehage til skole.

FILIORUMs ressursbank.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Reducing the Gender Gap in Early Learning: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Norwegian Preschools.

ASSA Annual Meeting;

2021-01-03 - 2021-01-05.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Reducing the Gender Gap in Early Learning: Evidence From a Field Experiment in Norwegian Preschools.


2021-01-07 - 2021-01-08.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Størksen, Ingunn


Reducing the Gender Gap in Early Learning: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Norwegian Preschools.

AEFP Conference;

2021-03-17 - 2021-03-19.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Sibling Spillovers in High-Stake Testing.

Annual Meeting of the Norwegian Association for Economists;

2020-01-06 - 2020-01-07.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Bettinger, Eric Perry


What Makes a Good Recommendation? College Characteristics and Alumni Satisfaction.

UiS Quantitative Forum;


Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Bettinger, Eric Perry


What Makes a Good Recommendation? College Characteristics and Alumni Satisfaction.

UiS Business School PhD Brown Bag Seminar Series;


Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Essays on the Economics of Education.

Candidate 50% Seminar;


Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø; Bettinger, Eric Perry


What Makes a Good Recommendation? College Characteristics and Alumni Satisfaction.

EEA Annual Congress;

2020-08-24 - 2020-08-28.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Using High-Stakes Grades To Incentivize Learning.

Advanced Topics in Quantitative Policy Analysis;


Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Sibling Spillovers in High-Stake Testing.

UiS PhD Workshop in Education Economics;

2019-12-12 - 2019-12-13.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Incentivizing Learning Through High-Stakes Grades.

UiS PhD Workshop in Education Economics;

2018-12-13 - 2018-12-14.

Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø


Incentivizing Learning Through High-Stakes Grades.

UiS Business School Lunch Seminar;
