Rebecca Anne Charboneau Stuvland
Associate Professor

Telephone: 51831577
Room: HG N-226
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Associate Professor
Telephone: 51831577
Room: HG N-226
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
PhD revisited: Approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary schools . I: English didactics in Norway - 30 years of doctoral research.Universitetsforlaget.
ISBN 978-82-15-03074-6.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Capturing other perspectives : Lesson artefacts, pupil voice and participatory potential in ITE lesson study. I: Lesson study in initial teacher education : Principles and practices.Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
ISBN 9781787567986.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
A comparison of teachers` perceptions of English reading instruction and best practice in Norwegian primary schools using different reading approaches. I: Teaching Languages and Cultures: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices.
Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
ISBN 978-1-5275-0893-4.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
The conventional versus the innovative: Comparing two approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary schools. I: Proceedings of FoU i praksis 2012 : conference proceedings. Trondheim, 23. og 24. april 2012.
Akademika forlag.
ISBN 978-82-321-0086-6.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Approaches and practices relating to the teaching of EFL reading at the Norwegian primary level / Rebecca Charboneau. I: The young language learner : research-based insights into teaching and learning.
ISBN 978-82-450-1197-5.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Szikszay, Helene; Oddvik, Nina
link 7 Textbook.
ISBN 9788211038784.
link 7 Workbook.
ISBN 9788211038821.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 7 Teachers Guide .
ISBN 9788211038869.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 6 Textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03868-5.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 6 Workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet.
ISBN 978-82-11-03872-2.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Szikszay, Helene; Oddvik, Nina
link 6. Teacher's Guide.
ISBN 9788211038760.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 5 workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. Bokmål.
ISBN 978-82-11-03862-3.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 5 Textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. Bokmål..
ISBN 978-82-11-03858-6.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 5. Teacher's Guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet.
ISBN 978-82-11-03866-1.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 5 Textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. Nynorsk.
ISBN 978-82-11-03859-3.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 5 Workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinet. Nynorsk..
ISBN 978-82-11-03863-0.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. .
ISBN 978-82-11-03253-9.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03258-4.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 4. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03261-4.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. textbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03243-0.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. workbook. Engelsk for barnetrinnet. .
ISBN 978-82-11-03247-8.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 3. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03251-5.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 2. pupils book Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03237-9.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 2. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03241-6.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 1. pupils book. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-02806-8.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Myrset, Anders Otterbech Jølbo; Mezzetti, Kitty; Oddvik, Nina; Szikszay, Helene
link 1. Teacher’s guide. Engelsk for barnetrinnet..
ISBN 978-82-11-03235-5.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Approaching English through exploration, in-depth learning, and curiosity.. I: Utforsking i alle fag.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
ISBN 978-82-02-55149-0.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Approaches to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Reading Instruction in Norwegian Primary Schools.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7644-660-9.
Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Nousiainen, Tuula; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Tammets, Kairit; Sillat, Linda Helene
No Teacher Educator Left Behind: teacher educators' professional digital competence.
NERA 2023 - «Digitalization and Technologies in Education Opportunities and Challenges”;
2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17.
Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Nousiainen, Tuula; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Sillat, Linda Helene; Moen, Vegard; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Tammets, Kairit
Development teacher educators’ professional digital competence through colleague-supported work-based learning.
LLL 2023 Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference 2023;
2023-02-15 - 2023-02-17.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Johler, Minttu Minna Sirena; Meissner, Catherine
Shaping the Modern Classroom: Implementing Student-Active Digital Learning Cycles within Norwegian Teacher Education.
Nordic Educational Research Association;
2023-03-15 - 2023-03-17.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Shaping the Modern Classroom: Implementing Student-Active Digital Learning Cycles within Norwegian Teacher Education. Project design..
Lifelong Learning Conference;
2023-02-15 - 2023-02-17.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Using picturebooks to engage readers in language learning and developing intercultural competence.
Tikkanen, Tarja Irene; Vesisenaho, Mikko; Nousiainen, Tuula; Tammets, Kairit; Letnes, Mari-Ann; Stilz, Melanie; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
No teacher educator left behind.
NERA 2022;
2022-06-01 - 2022-06-04.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Learning Cycles Pilots 2022.
Seminar in honor of Juliet Munden;
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Shaping the Modern Classroom: Implementing Student Active Digital Learning Cycles within Norwegian Teacher Education Programs. Project presentation..
DICOMTEN network seminar;
2022-04-26 - 2022-04-27.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Shaping the Modern Classroom: Implementing Student Active Digital Learning Cycles within Norwegian Teacher Education Programs .
LINN – Litteratur- og litterasitetsforskning Innafor;
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Begynneropplæring i engelsk - Early Primary English in Norwegian schools.
Begynneropplæring konfernanse;
2020-01-30 - 2020-01-31.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Fagfornyelsen - læreplan i engelsk. .
Fagbokforlaget webinar;
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
link textbook: The challenges of working with democracy and citizenship in early EFL instruction.
DEMCI seminar;
2019-11-25 - 2019-11-26.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
The effect of different group reflection formats during the lesson study process.
World Lesson Study Association Conference;
2019-09-03 - 2019-09-05.
Normand, Silje Henriette A; Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
"I'm a bit sorry": Pragmatic features and metapragmatic awareness of apologies produced by Norwegian primary school EFL learners through drama tableaux.
Exploring and Assessing Pragmatic Aspects of L1 and L2 Communication: From Needs Analysis through Monitoring to Feedback;
2018-07-25 - 2018-07-27.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau; Normand, Silje Henriette Amalia
'Uh Oh!' Norwegian primary school EFL learners’ metapragmatic awareness in the evaluation of self-produced apology statements..
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Challenges & Perspectives - TLC 2018;
2018-10-26 - 2018-10-27.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
The teachers’ unguided journey: Promoting the role of the mentor despite contextual challenges during Lesson study cycles in a partial-distance learning in-service course.
Lesson Study and Teacher Education: International Dialogue;
2018-11-23 - 2018-11-26.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Early reading in English – building bridges between first language and second language reading skills.
«Godt i gang? – Lesing og skriving på 1.-. trinn.»;
2018-03-19 - 2018-03-20.
The voice of the teacher: teacher-student interaction during primary EFL Reading instruction..
Annual Conference 2017 Changing Perpsectives and Approaches in Contemporary Teaching;
2017-10-23 - 2017-10-25.
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Approaches to English reading instruction in primary schools in Norway.
Utdanningskonferansen 2017;
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Teachers' perceptions of their English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Reading instruction and best practice in Norwegian primary schools.
Teaching Languages and Cultures in the Post-Method Era: Developing Competencies, Re-thinking Practices - TLC 2016;
2016-11-11 - 2016-11-12.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Promoting teacher development through the use of Lesson study in an in-service course for teachers.
Nordisk fagdidaktisk konferens (NOFA 5);
2015-05-27 - 2015-05-29.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Text complexity and differentiation of EFL reading texts: Analyzing texts used in Norwegian primary schools using the text analysis tool, Coh-Metrix.
Early Language Learning: Theory and Practice 2014;
2014-06-12 - 2014-06-14.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Comparing Three Approaches to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Reading Instruction in Norwegian Primary Schools.
Young Language Learners research forum;
2014-12-08 - 2014-12-09.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne; Larssen, Deborah
Student teachers of English as a foreign language: The balance between the development of general pedagogical knowledge to pedagogical content knowledge and pupils’ learning.
World Association of Lesson studies;
2013-09-06 - 2013-09-09.
Larssen, Deborah; Charboneau, Rebecca Anne; Drew, Ion
What is the subject ‘English’ as represented in dialogues between student teachers and their teaching practice mentors?.
Nordiske fagdidaktikkonferansen (NOFA4);
2013-05-29 - 2013-05-31.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
The conventional versus the innovative: two approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary school.
FoU i Praksis ;
2012-04-23 - 2012-04-24.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Using the Early Years Literacy Programme in an EFL context: A case study of a Norwegian primary school.
Making sense through writing;
2012-06-07 - 2012-06-09.
Charboneau, Rebecca Anne
Three approaches to English as a foreign language (EFL) reading instruction in Norwegian primary schools.
English for Young Learners forum;
Stuvland, Rebecca Anne Charboneau
Film in English teacher education.