Aster Hoving
PhD Candidate

Telephone: 51831270
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
PhD Candidate
Telephone: 51831270
Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Cultural Studies and Languages
Hoving, Aster
Cloud-Connected Ecosystems: Fog as Medium, Model, and Experience of Wind.Media and Environment.
ISSN 2640-9747.
DOI: 10.1525/001c.129543
Hoving, Aster
"Chlorophyll". I: Solarities: Elemental Encounters and Refractions.Punctum Books.
ISBN 9781685711146.
DOI: 10.53288/0404.1.00
Hoving, Aster
“Ocean Thermal Energy, Art, and Science: Notes from the Field” .
Aoyama Gakuin University Environmental Humanities Forum;
2024-06-19 - .
Hoving, Aster
British Society for Literature and Science;
2023-04-13 - 2023-04-15.
Hoving, Aster
"Ocean Waves: Aesthetics, Knowledge, and Energy".
Energy Ethics 2023: Financing the Future;
2023-06-06 - 2023-06-08.
Hoving, Aster
"Spirals: Waves and Shells".
Colonial Capitalism in the North Sea research agenda seminar;
Hoving, Aster
"Hydrothermal Energy in Art, Science, and Industry".
Petrocultures 2022: Transformations;
2022-08-24 - 2022-08-27.
Hoving, Aster
"Performance Art and Blue Museums".
Green Transitions in Blue Museums;
2022-09-07 - 2022-09-09.
Hoving, Aster
"Sensing Fog".
Environmental History Now.
Hoving, Aster
"Hydrothermal vents and the scales of leakage".
American Comparative Literature Association;
2021-04-08 - 2021-04-11.
Hoving, Aster; Sledmere, Maria; Lewis Hood, Kate
"Hydroproximities: collaborative and creative-critical approaches to water infrastructures".
World/Water Futures Part Two: Blue Futures;
Hoving, Aster
“An Alternative Understanding of Energy Transitions, Futures, and Energy Itself”.
Course: Societal transition and transformation - Energy and climate change, MEE100. Class: Energy policy: Competing visions of the future energy mix;