Auke Hunneman
Adjunct Associate Professor

UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing
Adjunct Associate Professor
UiS School of Business and Law
Department of Innovation, Management and Marketing
Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke; Solberg, Carl Arthur
Speed of internationalization of new ventures and survival in export markets.International Business Review.
ISSN 0969-5931.
Volum 23.
Hefte 4.
Hunneman, Auke; Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.; Elhorst, J. Paul
Evaluating store location and department composition based on spatial heterogeneity in sales potential.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
ISSN 0969-6989.
Volum 73.
Romeo, Elena; Jensen, Henrik; Hunneman, Auke; Velasco, Carlos
Assessing the influence of packaging design symmetry, curvature, and mark on the perception of brand premiumness.International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science.
ISSN 1878-450X.
Volum 31.
Hunneman, Auke; Elhorst, J. Paul; Bijmolt, Tammo H. A.
Store sales evaluation and prediction using spatial panel data models of sales components.Spatial Economic Analysis.
ISSN 1742-1772.
Hunneman, Auke; Verhoef, Peter; Sloot, Laurens
The Impact of Hard Discounter Presence on Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services.
ISSN 0969-6989.
Volum 59.
Hunneman, Auke; Verhoef, Peter C.; Sloot, Laurens
The moderating role of shopping trip type in store satisfaction formation.Journal of Business Research.
ISSN 0148-2963.
Volum 78.
Hunneman, Auke; Verhoef, Peter C.; Sloot, Laurens
The Impact of Consumer Confidence on Store Satisfaction and Share of Wallet Formation.Journal of Retailing.
ISSN 0022-4359.
Volum 91.
Hefte 3.
Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke; Solberg, Carl Arthur
Revisiting Uppsala through the Lenses of New Ventures: A Longitudinal Study of Norwegian Firms.
Advances in International Marketing.
ISSN 1474-7979.
Volum 26.
Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke; Solberg, Carl Arthur
Where and When?A Longitudinal Study of Export Behavior of New Ventures. I: Handbook of Research on International Entrepreneurship Strategy.Edward Elgar Publishing.
ISBN 978 1 78347 157 7.
Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Å estimere handelsområder uten å følge kundene hjem.
Magma forskning og viten.
ISSN 1500-0788.
Hefte 3.
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke
Antecedents and consequences of unplanned alliance terminations.
ISBN 9788282471343.
Hefte 4/2018.
Zavyalov, Gennady; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke
Analyzing the Dynamic Interdependence of Network Structure and Performance in Board Interlocks.
Universitetet i Stavanger.
ISBN 978-82-7644-794-1.
Solberg, Carl Arthur; Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke
Kartlegging og analyse av eksportmønstre og -strategier. Sluttrapport til Innovasjon Norge, Februar 2014.
Handelshøyskolen BI.
Hunneman, Auke
Advances in Methods to Support Store Location and Design Decisions.
Hunneman, Auke
The Do’s and Don’ts for Marketing in a Recession.
BI Marketing Magazine.
ISSN 1893-3092.
Huse, Håvard; Hunneman, Auke; Haugland, Sven Arne
What Explains Credit Card Delinquency: Mental Accounts or Rational Financial Planning?.
EMAC Online 2020 Regional Conference;
2020-09-16 - 2020-09-19.
Hunneman, Auke; Verhoef, Peter; Sloot, Laurens
The Impact of Hard Discounter Presence on Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.
EMAC Conference;
2019-05-28 - 2019-05-31.
Hunneman, Auke; Selnes, Fred Erling; Espen, Juette
Feilvurdering av digital reklameeffekt.
BI Marketing Magazine.
ISSN 1893-3092.
Hunneman, Auke
Store skjevheter ved bruk av stordata?.
Magma forskning og viten.
ISSN 1500-0788.
Volum 21.
Hefte 4.
Sun, Ruohao; Selnes, Fred Erling; Hunneman, Auke
Promotion and Grocery Store Performance: The Role of Promotion Scope.
2018 AMA Summer Educator Conference;
2018-08-07 - 2018-08-11.
Hunneman, Auke; Verhoef, Peter C.; Sloot, Laurens
The Moderating Role Of Shopping Trip Type In Store Satisfaction Formation.
EMAC Conference;
2017-05-23 - 2017-05-26.
Sun, Ruohao; Selnes, Fred Erling; Hunneman, Auke
The More, The Better? Price Promotion And Retailer Performance.
EMAC Conference;
2017-05-23 - 2017-05-26.
Hunneman, Auke; Selnes, Fred Erling; Jütte, Espen Alexander
Feiltolkning av reklameeffekt.
Mariia, Koval; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke
Alliance Termination and Firm Idiosyncratic Risk: The Role of Governance Misfit.
23rd Nordic Workshop on interorganizational research;
2017-04-26 - 2017-04-28.
Sun, Ruohao; Selnes, Fred Erling; Hunneman, Auke
Price Promotion Strategy and Retailer Performance.
2017 ISMS Marketing Science Conference;
2017-06-07 - 2017-06-10.
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
EMAC 2016 Annual Conference;
2016-05-24 - 2016-05-27.
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Termination of R&D Alliances: The Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
Knowledge & Innovation, Cooperative Strategy, and Entrepreneurship Paper Development Workshop at Strategic Management Society Annual Conference;
2016-09-17 - 2016-09-20.
Hunneman, Auke; Elhorst, Paul; Bijmolt, Tammo H.A.
Evaluating Store Location and Assortment Design Based on Spatial Heterogeneity in Sales Potential.
Research seminar;
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke
Governing alliance portfolios: alliance termination decisions under relational risks and structural constraints.
EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2015, Leuven (Belgium), advanced track ;
2015-05-24 - 2015-05-26.
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke
The Stability of R&D Alliances: Complementary Role of Formal and Informal Governance.
NFB Research School Conference 2015 in Trondheim (Norway);
2015-08-25 - 2015-08-26.
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke
Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.
SMS Annual International Conference;
2015-10-03 - 2015-10-06.
Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke; Solberg, Carl Arthur
Comparing 'born globals' and other exporting firms: A longitudinal study.
ANZIBA 2015;
2015-02-11 - 2015-02-13.
Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke; Solberg, Carl Arthur
Revisiting Uppsala through the lenses of new ventures: A longitudinal study of Norwegian firms.
CiMaR 2015;
2015-05-13 - 2015-05-15.
Hunneman, Auke
Evaluating Store Location and Assortment Design Based on Spatial Heterogeneity in Sales Potential.
Department seminar at Melbourne Business School;
Koval, Mariia; Wathne, Kenneth Henning; van Oest, Rutger Daniel; Hunneman, Auke
Termination of R&D alliances: the role of formal and informal governance.
The 6th Israel Strategy Conference ;
2015-12-20 - 2015-12-22.
Hunneman, Auke
The Impact of Consumer Confidence on the Relationships Between Store Attribute Perceptions and Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.
EMAC Conference 2014;
2014-06-03 - 2014-06-06.
Solberg, Carl Arthur; Gripsrud, Geir; Hunneman, Auke
Redefining Born Globals? A cohort analysis of Norwegian Born Globals.
New Research Themes in International Entrepreneurship;
2014-05-22 - 2014-05-23.
Verhoef, Peter; Sloot, Laurens; Hunneman, Auke
The Impact of Consumer Confidence on the Relationships Between Store Attribute Perceptions and Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty.
EMAC Conference;
2014-06-03 - 2014-06-06.
Hunneman, Auke; van Oest, Rutger Daniel
Mapping local retailer competition: Which geographic regions are owned by which stores?.
EMAC 41st Annual Conference;
2012-05-22 - 2012-05-25.
Hunneman, Auke; Bendik, Samuelsen; Jubbega, Annika
Twitter as driver of stock price.
BI Marketing Magazine.
ISSN 1893-3092.