Per Arne Bjørkum

Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Faculty of Science and Technology
Department of Safety, Economics and Planning
Walderhaug, Harald; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Aase, N.E.
Kaolin-coating of stylolites, effect on quartz cementation and general implications for dissolution at mineral surfaces.
Journal of Sedimentary Research.
ISSN 1527-1404.
Volum 76.
Walderhaug, O; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Aase, Nils Einar
Kaolin-coating of stylolites, effect on quartz cementation and general implications for dissolution at mineral surfaces.
Journal of Sedimentary Research.
ISSN 1527-1404.
Nadeau, P.H; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Walderhaug, Harald
Petroleum system analysis: Impact of shale diagenesis on reservoir fluid pressure, hydrocarbon migration and biodegradation risks. I: Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives � Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Geology Conference.
ISBN 1862391645.
s.1267 -1274.
Petroleum system analysis: Impact of shale diagenesis on reservoir fluid pressure, hydrocarbon migration and biodegradation risks. I: In Doré, A.G. & Ving, B. (eds), Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives - Proceedings of the 6th Petroleum Conference.
The Geological Society of London.
Walderhaug, O; Oelkers, E. H.; Bjørkum, Per Arne
An analysis of the roles of stress, temperature, and pH in chemical compaction of sandstones - Discussion.
Volum 74.
Walderhaug, Olav; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Nadeau, Paul H.; Langnes, Olaf
Quantitative modelling of basin subsidence caused by temperature-driven silica dissolution and reprecipitation.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 7.
Hefte 2.
Walderhaug, O.; Lander, R.H.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Oelkers, E.H.; Bjørlykke, Knut; Nadeau, P.H.
Modelling quartz cementation and porosity in reservoir sandstones: Examples from the Norwegian continental shelf.
Spec. Publs Int. Ass. Sediment..
Volum 29.
Walderhaug, O.; Lander, R.H.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Oelkers, E.H.; Bjørlykke, K.; Nadeau, P.H.
Modelling quartz cementation and porosity in reservoir sandstones-examples from the Norwegian continental shelf. I: Quartz Cementation in Sandstones, Special Publication International Association of Sedimentologists 29.
Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Physical constraints on hydrocarbon leakage and trapping revisited-reply.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 5.
Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Physical constraints on hydrocarbon leakage and trapping revisited - reply.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 5.
Clayton, C.J.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Discussion: 'Physical constraints on hydrocarbon leakage and trapping revisited' by P.A. Bjorkum et al.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 5.
Hefte 1.
Rodgers, S.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Discussion: 'Physical constraints on hydrocarbon leakage and trapping revisited' by P. A. Bjorkum et al. - further aspects.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 5.
Hefte 4.
Bjørkum, P.A.; Oelkers, E.H.; Nadeau, P.H.; Walderhaug, O.; Murphy, W.M.
Porosity prediction in quartzose sandstones as a function of time temperature, depth, stylolite frequency, and hydrocarbon saturation.
Volum 82.
Walderhaug, O.; Bjørkum, P.A.
Calcite cement in shallow marine sandstones: growth mechanisms and geometry.
Volum 26.
Bjørkum, P.A.; Nadeau, P.H.
Temperature controlled porosity/permeability reduction, fluid migration, and petroleum exploration in sedimentary basins.
APPEA Journal.
ISSN 1326-4966.
Volum 38.
Hefte 1.
Walderhaug, O.; Lander, R.H.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Oelkers, E.H.; Bjørlykke, K.; Nadeau, P.H.
Modelling quartz cementation and porosity in reservoir sandstones - examples from the Norwegian continental shelf.
Volum 27.
Bkørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Physical constraints on hydrocarbon leakage and trapping revisited.
Petroleum Geoscience.
ISSN 1354-0793.
Volum 4.
Oelkers, E.H; Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.; Submitted, W.M.
Making diagenesis obey thermodynamics and kinetics: the case of quartz cementation in sandstones from offshore mid-Norway.
Applied Geochemistry.
ISSN 0883-2927.
Bjørkum, P.A.
How important is pressure in causing dissolution of quartz in sandstones.
Journal of Sedimentary Research.
ISSN 1527-1404.
Volum 66.
Hefte 1.
Oelkers, E.H.; Bjørkum, P.A.; Myrphy, W.
A petrographic and computional investigation of quartz cementation and porosity reduction in North Sea Sandstones.
American Journal of Science.
ISSN 0002-9599.
Volum 296.
Bjørkum, P.A.
Annerledestenkerne og kunnskapsveksten : en reise i vitenskapens historie.
ISBN 82-518-3801-0.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Annerledestenkerne: en reise gjennom vitenskapens historie.
Aschehoug & Co.
ISBN 82-518-3801-0.
Tranberg, Anders; Bjørkum, Per Arne
Kreativitet i Vitenskapens Historie, hva kan vi lære?.
Wonderful World -nordisk festival for filosofi og vitenskap;
2023-06-03 - .
Bungum, Berit; Bjørkum, Per Arne
Hva kan vi lære av vitenskapshistorien?.
Videreutdanningskurs, Teknologi og forskningslære;
2010-03-23 - 2010-03-24.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Da jorden var verdens sentrum.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 2.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Da jorden ble en planet.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 3.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Planetenes bane finner sin form.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 4.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Planetene bane blir sirkulære igjen.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 5.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
CO2 - livets gass.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 1.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Jordens gravitasjons - og eplet som falt.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 6.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Forskere i bitter strid.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 7.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
Relativitetsteorien blir til.
ISSN 1500-8371.
Volum 11.
Hefte 8.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
ISSN 1500-8371.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
"Det er temperauren som teller".
Bjørkum, Per Arne
It`s the temperature that counts.
Bjørkum, Per Arne
"The Golden Zone".
Nadeau, P.H.; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Walderhaug, O
Petroleum system analysis: Impact of shale diagenesis on reservoir fluid pressure, hydrocarbon migration and biodegradation risks.
Petroleum Geology: North-West Europe and Global Perspectives (PGC6);
2003-10-06 - 2003-10-09.
Hovland, Martin; Bjørkum, Per Arne; Gudmestad, Ove Tobias
Gas hydrate and seeps - effects on slope stability: The "hydraulic model".
Isope 2001;
Bjørkum, P.A.; Walderhaug, O.; Nadeau, P.H.
Thermally driven porosity reduction: impact on basin dynamics, subsidence and sediment accomodation.
The Petroleum Exploration of Ireland's Offshore Basins;
Bjørkum, P.A.
How important in pressure in causing dissolution of quartz in sandstones.
AAPG Denver;