Nordic Bronze Age symposium

Wednesday 11 June 09:00 - Friday 13 June 16:00,
Arkeologisk museum, Universitetet i Stavanger.

Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger, cordially invite Bronze Age researchers to the 16th Nordic Bronze Age symposium to be held in Stavanger, June 11-13th 2025.

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Helleristninger på Fluberget, Jæren, Rogaland
Field of petroglyphs at Jæren, Rogaland county. Photo: Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger

In the Bronze Age, the southwestern shores of the Atlantic façade were meeting places between seafaring peoples, indigenous groups and material culture. Then, as now, mobility created meetings of minds and ideas, other-than-human beings, materials and genes. Some made their farewells and others were welcomed.

Strange shores

The shores were starting points and destinations – Bronze Age peoples were keen to seek beyond the horizon. Travel was not bound to this life, also the dead were buried in large cairns that overlooked the ocean. Mythological entities bound to the circle of day and night, life and death, pervaded beliefs and shaped realities. The strange and the uncanny were integrated into Bronze Age societies.


Here you find an overview of the different sessions.

 Sessions overview, 16th Nordic Bronze Age SymposiumDownload

Call for abstracts

Call for abstracts is open and has been extended until February 22th 2025. Please send your abstract to:  

We look forward to welcoming you to Stavanger in 2025! 


Conference pass two days, including lunches and excursion: 1250 NOK 

Conference pass + conference dinner: 2250 NOK

Student price:  

Conference pass 900 NOK 

Conference pass + conference dinner 1900 NOK

Organisation committee

Kristin Armstrong Oma, Wenche Brun, Kristine Orestad Sørgaard, Gitte Kjeldsen, Linn Eikje Ramberg, Oliver Reiersen, Ingrid Johanne Helland


If you have any questions, contact us at