This page contains the Middle English Grammar Corpus (MEG-C) and its accompanying materials (Manual and Catalogues).

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Corpus files:
The three versions of the corpus are all available as downloadable zip archives. Please download the version(s) that you wish to work with.

The Base version consists of the 'raw transcriptions' as UTF-8 formatted .txt files. This version preserves our own coding and commentary, and gives the fullest information about the text as it appears in the manuscript. It may be used as a reference version for checking detail when working with the other versions.

The Concordance version consists of .txt files designed to be analysed using a concordancing programme or other corpus analysis software. This version is tailored to suit a particular freeware concordancing programme, AntConc, but may be used with other programmes as well.

The Readable version is produced as .html and .pdf files and is meant for reading rather than electronic searching. The .pdf files have to be downloaded in six separate batches because of the file size.
The accompanying materials:
The MEG-C Corpus is accompanied by a Manual and two Catalogues, providing descriptive catalogue entries and a table of searchable metadata respectively.

The MEG-C manual describes the sampling, transcription conventions and presentation of the corpus, and may be downloaded as a .pdf file.

The MEG-C Catalogue contains descriptive entries for each corpus text, with information about dating, localization, the physical manuscript context and so on. The .pdf file also contains an Introduction to the Catalogue, as well as a List of References.

A simple searchable catalogue is provided as an Excel sheet, with the main information about each text (County of LALME localization, approximate dating, content, genre and, for most texts, script; for conventions, see the Introduction to the Descriptive Catalogue)