Webinar: Workshop for TekNat students: find good sources for your thesis

Thursday 25 January 2024 09:15-11:00,

Join the library for a workshop about how to find scientific literature for students at the Faculty of Science and Technology.

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Classes from the library

Find good sources for your thesis

At this workshop you will learn how to plan a literature search, and which databases are relevant for students at the Faculty of Science and Technology. We will also talk about how to evaluate and manage your references.

Target audience: Bachelor, master- and Phd-students at the Faculty of Science and Technology Equipment: Your own laptop Prior knowledge needed: No Participants: 20 Teaching method: Workshop and guided activities Language: English Where: On Teams. (now updated link)

After the class you should know

  • How to find scientific literature
  • The difference between various scientific sources
  • About and how to use different databases relevant to TekNat
  • How to find relevant search phrases and keywords
  • How to plan and do a good literature search
  • How to use the Citation Compass, and have a basic knowlede about citing and references
Where is the workshop?

The class is in on Teams.

More about searching

You can find more information about searching at TekNats resource pages.

Questions about searching for literature? Contact your TekNat librarian:

Senior Research Librarian
KE A-286
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library
Research Librarian
Division of Research
Stavanger University Library