FILIORUM- Centre for Research in Early Education and Care has a Scientific Advisory Board consisting of renowned international researchers in the ECEC field.

Niklas Pramling, Professor of Education at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
His academic background is in cultural studies, literature history, and psychology. He wrote his PhD thesis in educational science on the role of metaphor in learning and knowledge formation. His subsequent research has primarily focused on preschool and analyses of communication. In recent years, he has lead research on play in early childhood education and care. He leads his third Swedish national research school for preschool teachers, PRECEC-SCS ( and, at UGOT, the research group PrePLanT ( He is interested in supervising dissertations, and collaborating in research, on communication, play, narrative, teaching, learning, and democracy socialization, amongst other things.

Barbora Loudová Stralczynská, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Charles University, Czech Republic
Stralczynská is in charge of the Bachelor’s programme for pre-primary teachers and also teaches on the Master's programme in Early Childhood Education. Her research interests are mainly in comparative education, where she focuses on early childhood education systems, innovative pedagogical approaches and pre-primary teacher pre-service training. Her research focuses on innovations in the concept of initial professional studies of early childhood pedagogy at the university level. In the past she has worked on methods for promoting multilingual children and inclusive approaches for children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. She has worked on international Erasmus+ and research projects on initial and continuing professional studies and national projects with NGOs promoting inclusion in the Czech education system.

Yvonne Anders, Professor of Early Childhood Education, University of Bramburg, Germany
Her key areas of research are the quality of Early Childhood Education and Care and its impact on children’s development, professional competencies of ECEC staff, and international comparative analyses of ECEC quality and its impact. She has been a principal investigator of several research projects. Some examples are the evaluation of the governmental initiative “Core daycare centres for language and integration” (2012-2014), the evaluation of the model program KIDZ phase V (2012-2015), the study “Easy Steps into Science” (2013-2016), the evaluation study AQuaFam “Approaches for promoting the home learning environment” (2013-2017) and the evaluation of the governmental initiative “language daycare centres”.

Pauline Slot, Associate Professor of Early Childhood Education, Utrecht University, Netherlands
Slot's national and international research focuses on aspects of the curriculum and quality of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) provisions. Particularly, she is interested in the relations between structural quality characteristics, for instance the role of continuous professional development, and process quality. She also looks into the effects of ECEC curriculum and quality on children's developmental outcomes, specifically language, self-regulation, and executive functioning skills. She is especially interested in the nature, causes and impact of early emerging social and educational inequalities in the context of socioeconomic, cultural and diversity.

Helle Marie Skovbjerg, Professor in Design for Play, Kolding School of Design, Denmark
Helle Marie Skovbjerg is Denmark´s first professor in play and a part of Design School Kolding's overall focus on play, in close collaboration with the LEGO Foundation. Helle Marie Skovbjerg leads and participate in research projects on play philosophy, playful design solutions and childhood studies. Her main research interests are play as practices of moods, designing for play and tools for playfull interactions.