A CIAM Lunch and Learn on the establishment of the Maritime Research Alliance and how it is strengthening the Danish maritime research community.
The Maritime Research Alliance is a network organization for maritime researchers in Denmark, established in 2020. Today, the alliance has 12 members that conduct a wide range of maritime research: the eight Danish universities, two maritime schools, the Danish Institute for International Studies, and the Maritime Museum. The alliance works to promote collaboration between the members on maritime research and education. It furthermore strengthens the collaboration between the maritime research environments and other stakeholders – companies, regulators, NGOs, etc. Finally, the alliance works to make the maritime research community more visible.
In this session, the head of the MRA secretariat, Thomas Roslyng Olesen, will present the establishment of the Maritime Research Alliance and how it works to strengthen the Danish maritime research community.

- Presenter: Thomas Roslyng Olesen, Head of Maritime Research Allience
- Date: 28. May, kl. 11:30 – 12:00
To access the webinar, you or your company must be a member of CIAM. Students and staff at UIS or other interested parties can access and participate in the webinar by contacting CIAM in advance by e-mail: ciam@uis.no