Classical Piano and Vocal at the Faculty of Performing Arts

Department for classical music.

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Students who have piano or vocal as their main instrument receive superb instrumental education from the section's excellent educators. The section has extensive concert activities on several stages in the Stavanger region.

List and information about this sections employees.

In the spring of 2020, employees and students from the section performed The Marriage of Figaro


Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Associate Professor
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Associate Professor
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Associate Professor
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Ekstern tilknyttet UiS
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Associate Professor
Faculty of Performing Arts
Department of Classical Music
Julekonsert i Perti kirke 2019. Sangstudenter fra Fakultet for utøvende kunstfag og fra Stavanger studentsangforening. Foto: Olav Bjånes

Classical Vocal

Fra forestillingen Pasjon i Stavanger domkirke våren 2019. Foto: Marie von Krogh
From the performance Passion in Stavanger Cathedral Church in the spring of 2019. Photo: Marie von Krogh

The classical vocal environment at the faculty, with its highly qualified teachers, offers a study program with an emphasis on both opera, lied and early music. The close collaboration with Opera Rogaland gives students unique opportunities for participation in productions with professional performers, directors and conductors. Annual Lied projects and work with early music repertoire are also important elements in the overall education.

Classical Piano

Universitetets julekonsert i St. Petri kirke, desember 2019. Klaverstudent Maria Bue Kessel. Foto: Olav Bjånes
Photo by piano student Marie Bue Kessel during the University's Christmas concert 2019. Photo: Olav Bjånes.

Classical piano students are offered a course with close individual follow-up. The highly qualified teachers with their background in the great German piano tradition emphasize in addition to the work with the main instrument repertoire also a close collaboration with the singers in annual Lied projects. Students are encouraged to develop their own repertoire profile and get many opportunities for concert performances in various contexts.

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