Disputation for Karl Ronny Klungtvedt

Monday 4 December 2023 10:00-15:00,
Kjølv Egelands Hus,

Karl Ronny Klungtvedt defends his thesis on petroleum technology.

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A PhD-candidate with the Faculty of Science and Technology, Klungtvedt will be defending his dissertation “Drilling Fluid Additives for Wellbore Strengthening and Reservoir Protection”.

Trial lecture at 10:00. Given trial lecture topic: “Wellbore completions and the importance of wellbore clean-up for enhanced productivity”.

Disputation starts at 12:15.

Trial lecture and defence will take place in Kjølv Egeland House E-164 at the University of Stavanger and in Zoom. Meeting ID: 692 4426 427, password: 405496.