Art in Society II (MUK702)

Art in Society I-II has a twofold goal: An ability to see and integrate one's artistic work in a social context, and to prepare and carry out productions as a performer, administrator or curator. The latter is linked to the course's outreach communication component. Both aim to equip the student for different career paths and work tasks and to manoeuvre in a professional reality after completing the programme.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The course builds on Art in Society I and encourages practical collaboration with a cultural and social institution and/or target group. The student will gain practical knowledge of how artistic projects form part of different social contexts and at the same time have the opportunity to build networks for their professional career. The course can function as an extension of the Master's specialisation and/or the Multi-Artistic Lab and has two possible orientations:

1) Realisation of a performing and/or creative communication project for a specific target group

A. in collaboration with a professional, external client or in societal contexts such as education, health, culture and working life,

B. as part of, for example, a student-run festival or concert series, or

C. in the form of a self-initiated context/community-orientated project.

The dissemination project can be interdisciplinary.

2) Practical collaboration with a cultural institution/actor in an organising, managing or curating role.

Learning outcome

A candidate who has completed and passed the course will have acquired knowledge, skills and general competences that enable them to:


- be familiar with and have an awareness of artistic and communicative elements and be able to make independent critical choices according to the chosen programme.

- have knowledge of the organisation and implementation of artistic projects in various communication contexts.

Skills and competences

- plan, carry out and evaluate artistic project and production work, as well as co-operate artistically and constructively with people from different backgrounds and circumstances.

- communicate an artistic dissemination idea and build up a network for their activities through knowledge of relevant institutions/organisations in cultural life.

- handle administrative tasks that come with an artistic project.

General competence

- work as part of a team to plan, implement and evaluate communication programmes for different target groups.

- collaborate with relevant stakeholders in education, health, culture and working or social life in general.

- communicate artistic expressions through oral, written and multimodal formats.

Required prerequisite knowledge

Students must normally have completed and passed Art in Society I or equivalent.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Report 1/1 Passed / Not Passed

- Report: a brief log and report (1500 words +/- 10%) after the completion of the dissemination project/practical collaboration with the cultural institution/actor, to be submitted by the specified deadline.

Coursework requirements

Attendance, Presentation

- Approved attendance at compulsory teaching and practice.

Orientation 1)

- Oral/practical work requirement: Performing project presentation (one-off or touring). Documentation can also be in the form of video recordings.

Orientation 2)

- Multimodal presentation of the various elements of the internship, followed by a discussion with the course coordinator and possibly a representative from the internship centre.

Course teacher(s)

Study Adviser:

Lena Crosby Haug

Course coordinator:

Olaf Eggestad

Study Adviser:

Anne Siri Norland

Method of work

The course includes both workshop-based group teaching and/or lectures, and supervised practical work individually and/or in groups according to a set plan. The course takes place mainly as a self-initiated, student-driven project and/or in collaboration with one or more of the faculty's partners. Further information is provided in Canvas at the start of the semester.

Students must adhere to the information posted on Canvas. Completed teaching activities are logged and approved in Canvas.


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