Welding and In-service Inspection Technologies (MSK585)

The course focuses on increasing the understanding of the principles of welding and related quality assurance/ in-service inspection technologies in the field of mechanical/structural engineering. It starts with a description of welding safety, welding physics and its principles, welding metallurgy, types of fusion and solid state welding methods, Merits and Limitations of welding process, and weld quality control. It covers introduction to various types of welded joints, details of welded connections, the life cycle perspective of a welded fabrication: different weld geometries, welding symbols, filler metal selection, shielding gas selection, residual stress estimation, welds acceptance criteria, types of weld defects and quality control approaches, life extension approaches, use of robotics in welding, welding inspection program development and welding cost calculations.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



NB! This is an elective course and may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students are enrolled by August 20th for the autumn semester

The course aims at fundamentals of various Welding processes (fusion and solid state welding), welding metallurgy (carbon and stainless steel), Weld metal requirements like matching filler metals, Electrodes selection for welding processes, Shielding methods, Weld joints types, design of welded connections, residual stress evaluation, welding symbols and safety precautions as per internationally accepted codes (AWS, ASME, NORSOK).

Prequalification of Welding procedure specifications (WPSs) and its qualifications for various type of joints, PART-A-General requirement for preparations of Welding procedure specification (WPS) and Procedure Qualification record (PQR), PART-B- Welding procedure specification (WPS), Essential variable limitations, Number of tests, testing methods and acceptance standards for WPS qualification, Qualification test requirements, test assemblies, qualification ranges and validity of qualifications for various joint types. PART-C Welder Performance qualification (WPQ), essential variables, Number of tests and methods for WPQ and duration of qualifications.

Welding Fabrication covers preparation of materials assembly, welding positions and various destructive and Nondestructive Inspection techniques. The risk/reliability based weld integrity assessment and control are explained. Welding quality control approaches in fabrication yards and welding fabrication projects’ roles explained. Geometrical aspects of welded joint performance improvement and life extension approaches explained.

Nondestructive testing methods of examination covers general requirements, equipment, procedural calibration, examinations and Inspections, evaluation, documentation as per internationally accepted codes (ASME SEC IX). Fundamentals for Nondestructive examinations like Ultrasonic (introduction to Phase array UT, TOFD), Radiography, Penetration testing, Magnetic particle, Eddy current testing. Probability of weld defect detection (PoD) calculations supported by CIVA non-destructive testing (NDT) simulation.

Learning outcome

By taking this course, the student is expected to understand and learn:

  • the welding safety, welding symbols, welding parameters, weld joint types and designs and welding metallurgy, how to minimize defects during fabrication and operational life.
  • the how to select filler material & shielding and the need for pre- and post-weld heat treatment.
  • the influence of residual stress in welded joints during operational life, residual stress minimization& estimation techniques.
  • the geometric sources of local stress concentrations and sources to eccentricities.
  • the life extension approaches of a welded connection and minimization of stress concentration.
  • the influence of welding parameters on final joint performance and role & preparation of welding documentation
  • the role of national and international standards/codes relevant for weld fabrication and inspection of existing welds and to develop mechanical and structural welded joints’ inspection programs
  • the role of reliability and risk based approaches in welded joints’ integrity assessment
  • pros and cons of existing NDT methods in weld integrity assurance and selection of NDT approach for inspection of a selected weld geometry.
  • Perform welding cost calculations with special focus on filler metal & shielding gas selection vs. penetration increase & spatter minimization.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

BYG200 Steel Structures, BYG530 Plastic Analysis of Structures, MSK200 Materials Technology, MSK205 Mechanics of Materials, MSK210 Mechanical Design


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 3 Hours Letter grades Approved calculator

Written exam on paper.

Coursework requirements

Mandatory assignments
Mandatory assignments. In order to take the written exam for this course, the students must have at least 6 of 8 compulsory exercises approved. Mandatory welding lab class.

Course teacher(s)

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Jan-Tore Jakobsen

Head of Department:

Mona Wetrhus Minde

Method of work

4 hrs teaching and 2 hrs assignments.

Open for

Admission to Single Courses at the Faculty of Science and Technology
Structural and Mechanical Engineering - Master of Science Degree Programme
Exchange programme at Faculty of Science and Technology

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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