Business Decisions (MSB102)

Working towards achieving organizational and individual success requires a combination of knowledge and skills in a number of business functions (for example strategy and leadership, economics, finance and accounting, innovation, and marketing). In addition to these specific functions, areas such as ethics, sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are becoming increasingly important. In this course, you will collaborate with peers from different majors to collectively analyze and deliberate on a set of international cases, deliver written reports, and actively participate in dynamic class discussions. The case study process mirrors professional problem-solving at work, as you learn to identify problems, conduct comprehensive analyses with relevant information and theories, and propose actionable recommendations. Simultaneously, you develop the ability to effectively formulate, articulate, and defend your own opinions while also attentively listening to and constructively responding to varying viewpoints and perspectives. Based on a philosophy of challenge-based learning and the co-creation of knowledge, this course offers a unique opportunity for mutual learning, drawing insights from fellow students and experienced academics.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Examples of typical subject areas covered are:

  • ethics, sustainability and CSR
  • Strategy
  • Leadership
  • Economics
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Innovation
  • Accounting

Learning outcome

On completion of this course, you will have been introduced to the theory and practice of a number of business functions and responsibilities, and should meet the following learning outcomes:


  • You will have a critical, interdisciplinary, and regional/national/international understanding of current business practices and challenges
  • You will acknowledge the responsibilities of ethical and sustainable decision-making
  • You are confident in providing specific case-based advice to decision-makers


  • You will be able to use concepts, theories, and frameworks to analyze business cases to provide recommendations to solve the identified problems
  • You will work effectively in teams
  • You will be an active contributor to the co-creation of knowledge
  • You will take responsibility for your own learning and that of others

Required prerequisite knowledge



Group assessment and individual exam

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Portfolio - team 2/5 1 Semesters Letter grades
Written exam (individual) 3/5 6 Hours Letter grades Exam aids available at the teachers' discretion 1), Valid calculator,

1) Printing of cases and portfolio submission is permitted.

The final grade will be made up of a 40% team portfolio and 60% individual exam. The team portfolio consists of a portfolio of cases that students will analyze and discuss throughout the semester.No re-sit.

Coursework requirements

Coursework requirements

To be eligible for a grade in the course, students must meet the following requirement:

  • 80% attendance of all case lecture sessions
  • 80% attendance of all case discussion sessions
  • Active Case Discussion Participation

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Hongyan Shi

Course teacher:

Hongyan Shi

Course teacher:

Gorm Kipperberg

Course coordinator:

Gorm Kipperberg

Study Program Director:

Ingeborg Foldøy Solli

Method of work

In this course you learn through a mix of lectures, teamwork, work shops, and case discussions. There will be an emphasis on you working closely with others in allocated learning teams identifying challenges and offering solutions to these through focusing on business cases.

Expectations: 280 ECTS hours divided into, case discussions, lectures, workshops, teamwork, student seminars, and independent study of course material.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Business Decisions (MØA102_1) 10

Open for

Master of Science in Accounting and Auditing Business Administration - Master of Science

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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