English 2. English teaching methodology: Language, literature and culture (1-10) (MGL1036)

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



The aim of this course is three-fold: Firstly, it aims to give students the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of English language teaching methods and the principles behind them (e.g., communicative language teaching, cooperative learning, multiple intelligences), to further explore English language literature for children and young adults (e.g., graphic novels, multimodal text, digital storytelling), and to expand their understanding of English linguistics through considering links between language use and culture in various contexts (i.e., pragmatics). Secondly, the course aims to provide students with the opportunity to evaluate a variety of approaches to teaching language, literature and culture with learners in grades 1-7 and 5-10 with a focus on inclusivity and creativity. Thirdly, it aims to equip students with knowledge of and skills in using research tools to evaluate pupil learning. Through an individual FOU assignment, students are given the opportunity to choose a topic from the course to explore in more depth where the focus will be on pupils’ learning and their outcomes in grades 1-7 and 5-10.

Learning outcome


At the end of the course the students will have knowledge of:

  • Characteristics of children's and young adult literature and knowledge of the literary and cultural frameworks they emerge from
  • How literary texts and other cultural artefacts can be used to promote language learning, cultural insight and intercultural competence
  • Cultural assumptions underlying language use, with a focus on English speech acts in various contexts
  • Learner-centered language teaching approaches and how to apply them in a learner needs’ responsive way
  • Creative approaches, both traditional and digital, to teaching language, literature and cultures in a manner that encourages in-depth learning and critical reflection (such as digital storytelling, CLIL, and drama)
  • Central values, core elements, basic language skills, interdisciplinary topics and curricular aims in LK20 related to working with English language and literature
  • How teachers can scaffold learner autonomy and use of language learning strategies, both inside and outside the language classroom, to support pupils' development of learning-to-learn skills
  • How different research tools, such as interviews, observation, analysis of learner texts, can be used to build a deeper knowledge of pupil learning
  • The characteristics of academic writing style in English.


At the end of the course students should be able to:

  • Analyse and understand English literary texts and account for the literary and cultural frameworks they emerge from
  • Select and adapt literary texts for the English-language classroom and teach them in a varied, inclusive, creative and inspiring manner that promotes language learning and intercultural competence
  • Select appropriate pragmatics-related topics for EFL learners, and analyse and adapt pragmatics-related input in textbooks
  • Adapt and create age-appropriate language learning activities with regard to diverse learner needs
  • Integrate the four EFL skills and the Basic skills (from the current curriculum) in meaningful lessons that support the development of diverse learners' EFL language skills, strategies and life-long learning
  • Analyse, understand, and implement central values, core elements, interdisciplinary topics and curricular aims in LK20 related to working with English language and literature
  • Plan, carry out and critically evaluate a small-scale classroom-based research project with a focus on pupil learning
  • Express themselves in writing in an academic manner

General competencies

At the end of the course students can:

  • Systematically reflect on and assess pupil learning
  • Express themselves in a correct, varied and precise English, both oral and written, about matters concerning English language, literature, culture and teaching methodology
  • Apply their knowledge to teaching English as a foreign language in a varied, inclusive, creative and inspiring manner that promotes language learning and intercultural competence through in-depth learning and critical reflection
  • Individually and together with others use research tools to identify and highlight challenges in the language classroom, and assess various means of addressing these challenges

Required prerequisite knowledge

One of the following alternatives:
MGL1032 Engelsk lingvistikk for lærere. Trinn 1. - 10., MGL1033 English 1 - Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (1-7)
MGL2032 English 1: English Linguistics for Teachers for grades 5.-10., MGL2033 English 1; English Teaching Methodology for Young Learners (5.-10.)

The students must have completed the obligatory requirements and be eligible to take the exams in English 1 (MGL1032 or MGL 2032 and MGL1033 or MGL2033), or have completed similar courses from another tertiary institution, in order to be accepted to the English 2 course.

Students should have reached the CEFR B2 level in English in writing and the CEFR C1 level in listening, speaking and reading, or equivalent.


FoU assignment and oral exam

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
FoU assignment 6/10 Letter grades
Oral exam 4/10 30 Minutes Letter grades

Individual written FOU assignment, 6/10, 6000 words (+/- 10%), Letter grades, A-F.Individual oral exam, 4/10, 30 minutes presentation + question and answer session, Letter grades, A-F. Students' spoken/written proficiency must be at least at the B2 level on the CEFR scale in order to pass.

Coursework requirements

Two written assignments, Oral presentation related to digital storytelling , One written / digital assignment related to the principles and practice of TEFL , Attendance, One assigment within pragmatics

A minimum of 70% attendance will be required for qualification. Students may be asked to cover any topics missed by completing additional coursework requirements.

Five obligatory assignments, described below, need to be approved in order to take the final exam:

  • Two written obligatory assignments related to the FOU assignment: a proposal (around 1000 words) and a draft of the FOU assignment for feedback (minimum 4000 words)
  • Oral presentation related to digital storytelling
  • One written / digital assignment related to the principles and practice of TEFL
  • One assignment within pragmatics

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Cecilie Waallann Brown

Course teacher:

Nina Lazarevic

Course teacher:

Milica Savic

Placement coordinator:

Karen Elizabeth Gilje Woie

Study Adviser:

Ida Margrethe Eikaas

Method of work

This course will utilise a combination of lectures and workshops, individual, pair and group work. Much of the course content is not age specific and for that reason the topics will be presented to both MGL 1-7 and MGL 5-10 at the same lecture/seminar/workshop. However, part of the course will aim to teach students how to bring in and use theoretical perspectives in their teaching, adapting their instruction to learner specific needs. Further, age specific literature will be presented, contextualised and discussed at a deeper level in separate MGL 1-7 and MGL 5-10 groups.


15 days guided placement teaching English in a school.

Open for

Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 1 - 7, Master
Exchange Students at Faculty of Arts and Education

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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