Applied Industrial Inorganic Chemistry (KJE220)

The course provides a general understanding of the theories and reaction patterns of the elements and their common compounds. This is useful in many career directions including environment, minerals/metal manufacturing, petroleum, health/bioinorganic, geochemistry, batteries, etc. The course contains a compulsory, but exciting, lab course.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



NB! This is an elective course and may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students are enrolled by August 20th for the autumn semester.

The basic principles of atomic structure, the periodic system, the relationship between the atomic structure of the elements and their physical and chemical properties. The biological and environmental significance of each element. Descriptions of the chemistry to most of the elements will be discussed including the transition metals and a little organometallic chemistry. Scarcity of some metals, as well as recycling/recovery of metals.

In addition, industrial processes used in production of the elements and their compounds will be reviewed, together with their technological, biological and material uses.

The course includes a laboratory course in basic inorganic experiments and qualitative inorganic analysis.

Learning outcome

After completing the course the student should:

  • Have a basic knowledge of the various bonding theories
  • Understand the interplay between thermodynamics and kinetics and reactions
  • Have a basic knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of many of the elements in the periodic table
  • Basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry issues in industry (e.g. offshore petroleum industry, metal industry including recycling)
  • Be able to carry out simple qualitative tests for inorganic cations and anions
  • Be able to write a lab report of their experimental observations

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

KJE100 Environmental Chemistry, KJE150 General Chemistry


Written exam and project assignment

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 9/10 4 Hours Letter grades Approved tables, Basic calculator specified in general exam regulations, Compendium of formulae,
Project assignment 1/10 Letter grades - 1)

1) Labhefte med egne notater

Both the written exam and the project assignment is by pen and paper.The project assignment consists of a test of unknown ions in the lab. Both assessment forms must be passed in order to get a pass grade in the course.No resit is offered for the project assignment. If a student wishes to redo this, this can be done next time the course is taught.

Coursework requirements

Mandatory laboratory written assignments and mandatory lab attendance
  • Compulsory attendance at laboratory
  • 10 compulsory assignments of laboratory assignments.

Compulsory activities must be approved to access the written exam.

Course teacher(s)

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Xiaoping Zhang

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Lyudmyla Nilsen

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Liv Margareth Aksland

Course coordinator:

Kåre Bredeli Jørgensen

Method of work

Each week: 3 hours teaching and 1 hour giving solutions to the weeks homework. 10 laboratory exercises.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Inorganic chemistry (BIK180_1) 10

Open for

Open course for all students with an active right to study and who meet the requirements for general university admissions certification (GSK).

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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