Sports activities 1 (IDR132)

The course provides the students with a basic understanding of selected sports and other activities and how these can be adapted to different population groups. The lessons will contribute to the development of practical skills and theoretical knowledge, relevant to the sports activities.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester

Spring, Autumn

Language of instruction



  • Individual sports
  • Team sports
  • Dance
  • Swimming

Learning outcome


The candidate must:

  • Be able to account for rules, techniques and tactics in the selected activities
  • Have knowledge of methodology and progression relevant to skill development in the selected activities.
  • Display in-depth understanding of the selected activities and their respective demands.


The candidate must:

  • Master basic skills and be able to demonstrate a reasonably correct use of technique in the selected activities.
  • On a basic level, be able to plan, execute and evaluate activities aimed at skill development for oneself, and for different target groups.
  • Analyze own skill set, and reflect upon one's understanding and cooperation in the selected activities


The candidate must:

  • Apply theoretical subject matter, and facilitate learning through play in the selected activities
  • Be able to work independently and together with others in the selected activities
  • Be able to facilitate mastery experiences for different and varied groups

Required prerequisite knowledge



Practical exams and written papers

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Practical exam 1 1/4 Letter grades
Practical exam 2 1/4 Letter grades
Written exm 1 1/4 10 Weeks Letter grades
Written exam 2 1/4 10 Weeks Letter grades

Final assessment consists of four partial exams, which are graded from A-F. The final grade in the course is averaged from the four partial grades. All four parts of assessment must be passed to receive course credits.Practical exam 1 (december): The students draw one of the activities taught during the fall semester. Practical exam 2 (june): The students draw one of the activities taught during the spring semester. The draw happens two weeks ahead of the practical exam. In the practical exams, students must demonstrate their skills in practical drills and assignments, individually and/or in groups; and in various playing exercises in ball sports. Assessment criteria for each activity will be made available on Canvas. The students will be tasked to act as participants in each others exams. Written exam 1: The students draw one of the activities that are taught during the fall semester. Written exam 2: The students draw one of the activities that are taught during the spring semester. The activities of choice are the foundation for two written papers, each containing 2000 words (+/- 10%). Contents of the paper: training log with reflections regarding the nature and training of the activities; methodology and progression; interaction with others; and the organisation and facilitation of training and exercise. The paper demands use of curricular litterature and must be written using the APA 7th style of reference. The students can recieve supervision on their papers.

Coursework requirements

Attendance 80% - spring
The practical lessons are mandatory and requires 80% attendance and 80% participation in each activity

Course teacher(s)

Course teacher:

Tanja Lundal Kleiven

Study Program Director:

Gaute Sørensen Schei

Course teacher:

Gaute Sørensen Schei

Course teacher:

Sindre Mikal Dyrstad

Course teacher:

Bjørnar Kjellstadli

Course teacher:

Eva Leibinger

Study Adviser:

Ivar Bjørnsen

Method of work

Practical lessons, cooperation in groups, student-led lessons (planning, execution and evaluation), training and independent study, logg-writing.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Sports activities 1 (IDR132_1) 15

Open for

Sports Science- Bachelor's Programme Sports Science- One-year programme

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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