Developing Research and Presentation Skills (GEO620)

This course is an elective which aims to help students improve their research, writing, and presentation skills in preparation for the thesis. The course is handled as a seminar with discussions.

This course is open to all students with a bachelor's degree in natural sciences, engineering, or equivalent, which includes at least 10 ECTS credits in mathematics.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



NB! This is an elective course and may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students are enrolled by August 20th.

Review of key topics relevant for scientific research.

  • The scientific method,
  • How to define a research project,
  • How to write scientific articles, proposals, etc,
  • How to make and present scientific/technical presentations, and
  • Best practices to conduct research.

Learning outcome


  • Knowledge on how to apply the scientific method, and
  • Knowledge on how to search and collect information necessary to develop a research proposal for a thesis study.


  • Have research and knowledge skills on how to establish a problem for a thesis study,
  • Be able to conduct basic research using library and internet resources, and
  • Be able to give scientific presentations, both oral and written.

General competence:

  • Write a proposal to define a scientific problem,
  • Be able to communicate effectively in a written and oral form, and
  • Define time frames and responsibilities in the definition of professional problems that may apply to real life cases.

Required prerequisite knowledge

Must have completed at least one full semester in a master program.


Oral exam and report

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Oral exam 2/4 15 Minutes Passed / Not Passed All
Report 1 1/4 2 Weeks Passed / Not Passed
Report 2 1/4 2 Weeks Passed / Not Passed

Continuous evaluation.There are no continuation opportunities on the assessment parts. Students who wish to take these sections again must do so the next time the course has regular instruction.

Coursework requirements

Compulsory assignments

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Lisa Jean Watson

Study Program Director:

Lisa Jean Watson

Head of Department:

Alejandro Escalona Varela

Method of work

This course uses a multi-mode teaching style. Students are expected to participate in all activities.

  • Prior to class: e-lectures and readings as organized in Canvas
  • In-class skill development workshops and discussion, including a library skills class
  • After class: applying skills activities and researching topic for reports and presentation; optional assessments for ongoing feedback

The student's participation in the different working forms in this course is strongly recommended in order to develop skills directly related to the project.

This course will include digital teaching methods:

  • pre-recorded videos in place of lectures
  • online meetings

This course will also have physical only meetings.

Course communications will be via email and Canvas. It's up to the student to make sure e-mail is set up correctly with the University. The student is responsible for checking the course syllabus and class meeting information provided by the instructor in Canvas.

The class meets 3 hours each meeting, once per week. Students are expected to work on their own an additional 12 hours per week.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Master thesis seminar (MPG100_1) 5
Developing Research and Presentation Skills (IER620_1) 10

Open for

This course is open to all UiS Master's students who have an interest in improving their research, writing, and presentation skills.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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