Intersectionality: Critical perspectives on Inequality and Power (GEN360)

The objective of this course is to pursue critical understandings of social inequity and structures of oppression through variables such as race, gender, class, sexuality, age, ability, and citizenship status. The theory of intersectionality emerges from the scholarship and activism of Black feminist thinkers who introduced it as an analytical tool to define, understand, and challenge the multiple forms of oppression that simultaneously impede the value and freedoms of Black women’s everyday lives. At once indebted to and in dialogue with this early Black feminist theory, this course explores the complexities of marginalized identities and unequal access to power and ressources through a series of themes that reveal the overlapping and thus intersecting logics of social domination and exploitation. By shifting from foundational texts that employ an intersectional framework to more contemporary works in critical race theory and postcolonial theory this course emphasizes the correlation between past and present struggles for social change.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



During the course we will acquire knowledge of how intersectionality emerges from Black feminist theory and critical race studies. During the course we will investigate how intersectional thinking from the onset sought to interrupt universal understandings of womanhood and to problematize the dominance of whiteness within feminist activism and scholarship. The concept of intersectionality will help us to intelligently engage with and assess an array of social and political themes, such as racism, sexism, legacies of colonialism, Indigenous displacement and resistance, reproductive justice, economic exploitation, and national belonging. Readings will draw our attention to a number of national contexts, including the Nordic region. In this way, intersectionality will guide our understandings of how systemic inequities are methodically maintained and actively disputed across a variety of social and political demographics. The course is relevant for students who are interested in both gaining a strong grasp of how structures of oppression operate and investigating mechanisms for social change by using the theoretical and analytical lens made available through intersectionality.

Learning outcome

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should have the following learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and general competencies:


Students should acquire

  • knowledge about intersectionality as a theoretical and analytical framework.
  • knowledge of how multiple axes of social division such as gender, race, sexuality, age, class, intersect and how these may be articulated and discussed in complex ways.
  • knowledge of contemporary debates around intersectionality and how the concept is used to present social critique and to promote social change.


Students should be able to

  • analyze and critically discuss intersectionality as a theoretical framework.
  • analyze inequality as the effect of multiple axes of social division through an intersectional lens.
  • comprehensively discuss the politics of domination, power, and social inequity, in addition to being able to assess the ways an intersectional framework can be employed in endeavors for social change.


Students are expected to

  • be familiar with core texts in intersectionality.
  • have acquired theoretical knowledge about social inequity and systemic oppression and be able to use intersectionality as an analytical perspective for evaluating inequity.
  • be able to apply intersectional perspectives to the ways they reflect upon the organization of power and privilege as it relates to social, political, and cultural events as well as their everyday lives.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

Introduction to Gender Studies (GEN340/GEN540), or equivalent.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Digital home-exam 1/1 5 Days Letter grades

Digital home-exam: an individual written essay (2000 words) to be handed in electronically. The language for the exam is English. The exam will be graded A-F.

Coursework requirements

One activity, two written assignments
The course requires active participation, and students will have to submit two written assignments during the semester and participate in one activity. Students will have to pass this 3-part compulsory assignment in order to qualify for the final exam. The language for the coursework is English.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Lene Myong

Method of work

The course consists of weekly sessions. These sessions will include lectures, seminars, group work and individual work adapted to different modes of study. All students are expected to read the syllabus and participate in group discussions and thereby develop analytic reflections in a productive environment with fellow students. This will be done on and off campus and the course coordinator will facilitate a digital learning platform (Canvas). The working language for this course is English.

The literature for this course consists of a collection of articles and book chapters made available in Leganto (approx 700 pages). Information about the article collection can be found on Canvas before the start of the course. Any changes to the curriculum will be announced on Canvas before the start of the course.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Intersectionality: critical perspectives on Inequality and Power (GEN560_1) 10

Open for

All students with study rights at UiS, including international students.

This course can be taken as a part of the Minor in Gender Studies (30ECTS)

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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