Micro Physics (FYS330)
To provide the student with a broad knowledge of modern physics and the structure of matter.
Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
Part I: Experimental basis of quantum mechanics. The Schrödinger equation. The wave function as probability amplitude. The uncertainty principle. Energy levels and stationary states. Solution of the Schrödinger equation - quantum numbers. Penetration of barriers. Harmonic oscillator.
Part II Atomic Physics and the hydrogen atom. Bohr's atomic model. The Pauli principle and electron spin. The periodic system.
Part III Physics and statistical physics of solids. Molecules and simple rotation and vibration levels. Band theory for metals. Semiconductors. X-ray spectra.
Part IV Nuclear Physics and Atomic nucleus. Radioactivity. Nuclear Fission. Nuclear fusion.
Part V Elemental Particles: Bosons and fermions. Mesons, baryons. Leptons, quarks and photons. The standard model and its development. Higgs particle.
Note that the exam will be given in the language in which the subject is being taught.
Learning outcome
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Oral exam | 1/1 | 30 Minutes | Letter grades | None permitted |
Oral exam is individual