Sensors and Measurements (ELE230)
Introduction to different principles of measuring and sensing devices.
Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
Offered by
Time table
The course covers the fundamental types of sensors, the physical concepts underlying various sensing systems, data handling, the practical applications of measurement, as well as discussions of constraints and error sources.
Learning outcome
After taking this course, the student will have familiarity:
- the measurements units
- different types of sensors (i.e., inertial, physiological, environmental, and smart sensors)
- different types of sensing methods (i.e., HW based or radio signals-based)
- errors, noise, accuracy, and resolution in the measurement process
- basic overview of biomedical systems
- the physical principles utilized in the different kinds of sensors
- calibration of sensors and instruments
- basic concepts of signal processing
- sensors communication technologies (e.g., serial, Bluetooth, WiFi, MQTT, etc)
- introduction to the use of data/signals/time-series in machine learning
- sensors-based application scenarios (e.g., Human Activity Recognition based on inertial sensors, flow measurements, blood pressure, measurements of the respiratory systems or heart rate).
As part of the laboratory activity, the students will program and use an STM32 and Quanser board to perform practical measurements.
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
ELE100 Electrical Engineering, ELE130 Applied Mathematics and Physics in Programming of Robots
Form of assessment | Weight | Duration | Marks | Aid |
Written exam | 1/1 | 4 Hours | Letter grades | Basic calculator specified in general exam regulations |
Written exam using pen and paper
Coursework requirements
Theoretical assignments, Compulsory lab assignments
6 compulsory theoretical assignments. 3 compulsory project assignments.
Course teacher(s)
Course coordinator:
Florenc DemroziCourse teacher:
Erik Sæland HafnorCoordinator laboratory exercises:
Didrik Efjestad FjereideStudy Program Director:
Tormod DrengstigMethod of work
6 hours lectures and 2 hour lab working for week.
Overlapping courses
Course | Reduction (SP) |
Instrumentation Systems (ELE380_1) | 10 |
Open for
Course assessment
There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.