Communication Technology I (DAT230)

Communication technology is the foundation of today's modern society, with a significant impact on our daily lives. This topic provides a detailed overview of communication technologies, from those implemented by the network user and / or the application to those in the network itself and all the way to the signal transmitted on the wire or in the air, thus covering all layers in the network stack. The completion of this course together with the DAT300 and further independent studies gives the student the necessary skills to obtain Cisco CCNA certification.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



This course provides an overview of the general principles of computer networking. The communication protocols will be introduced by presenting each abstraction layer in different network architectures (e.g. OSI and TCP/IP models). The Internet is used as an example of how a computer network can be implemented.

Various physical and data link layer protocols and mechanisms are described. In addition, network layer functionalities and protocols are presented, such as IP addressing, subnetting and routing. Transport layer protocols (eg TCP and UDP), services and functionalities, such as congestion control and flow control, are also discussed. The main protocols for the application layer (eg HTTP and DNS) will be overviewed.

The course also discusses the structure and configuration of routers and switches. In addition, Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) are presented.

The lab activities are mainly based on Cisco's network hardware and software solutions, and correspond to the first and partly the second modules of Cisco's CCNAv7. In addition, Linux networking will be introduced during the lab.

Learning outcome


  • Basics of communication networks
  • Network challenges and protocols
  • Design principles for computer networks


  • Identify the challenges of a network
  • Evaluate and select the right network technology for a given application and environment
  • Configure and troubleshoot switches and routers
  • Basics of Linux networking

General competence:

  • Understand the basic technologies of communication networks
  • Understand the theoretical and practical embodiments and issues of the different teams and different protocols

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

DAT310 Web Programming, DAT320 Operating Systems and Systems Programming


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Letter grades Basic calculator specified in general exam regulations

Digital exam.

Coursework requirements

Mandatory attendance at lectures, Compulsory assignments
100% of chapter assignments and 100% lab assignments that are held throughout the semester and attendance in the lectures must be approved before admission to the written exams is granted. Absence should not be more than 3 lecture weeks unless a doctor certificate or other relevant documentation are provided.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Naeem Khademi

Course teacher:

Naeem Khademi

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Ali Gohar

Head of Department:

Tom Ryen

Method of work

In total 8 hours per week including lectures, group work, laboratory exercises, assignments.

Open for

Students enrolled on bachelor programme in Computer Science at the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Limited capacity for exchange students and single course admission

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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