Cultural diversity and child protection (USV105)

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction




The aim of the subject is that the students should be able to reflect on the importance of cultural diversity and how it affects meetings between people. The subject will particularly focus on work with children, young people and families and how their cultural background in interaction with other social categories can affect everyday life in general, and encounters with the support system and child protection in particular. Through the course, students will be able to critically reflect on, analyze and apply different discourses, perspectives and theories about cultural diversity. Central topic areas are: cultural sensitivity, acculturation theory, intersectionality, multicultural perspectives on children and children's participation, and cross-cultural influence.

Learning outcome

In the case of a completed subject, the following is expected:


The student has:

  • knowledge of central theories and discourses on the importance of cultural diversity and cultural sensitivity in dealing with people
  • knowledge of how influences from different cultural and social affiliations can affect the everyday life of children, young people and families
  • knowledge of how multicultural children, young people and families experience encounters with the support system


The student can:

  • reflect on and analyze how one's own cultural and social background affects meetings and work with people from different cultural backgrounds
  • reflect and have knowledge about different theories and perspectives on children, young people and families in a multicultural perspective
  • reflect critically to the concept of 'the best interests of the child' in a multicultural perspective

General competence

The student can:

  • apply knowledge and skills about multicultural children, young people and families in new areas
  • apply knowledge and skills to plan culturally sensitive practices
  • apply their knowledge and skills to carry out innovation projects in work with children, young people and families

Required prerequisite knowledge



Open for

Open to incoming exchange students and for UiS students.

If the course has less than 10 students registered by the 20th of August, the course will be withdrawn. In that case, the students will receive information through Canvas.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Home exam 1/1 4 Days Letter grades

Examination / assessmentForm of assessment Weighting Duration Grade AidHome exam 1/1 4 Days, Grading A-F Scope 2 500 words +/- 10% incl. table of contents and sheet music; excl. source references and bibliography. Reference style: APA 7th. Students can write their exam paper in Norwegian or English.Consequences of not passing the exam within the postponed exam: If the student does not pass the exam by the postponed exam at the latest, this means that the student must take a new exam in the subject together with subsequent cohorts. The student must take the exam according to any new and revised course description for the course, but decides for himself whether he/she wants to follow teaching in the new exam semester.Conditions for sitting the exam/assessmentAttendance requirements, PresentationsBoth compulsory activities must be approved for the student to take the exam in the subject. Approval of compulsory activities is announced on Studentweb, normally no later than 7 days before the exam. Students who lack approval for one or more compulsory activities will be withdrawn from the exam.Attendance requirements: 75% attendance in compulsory teaching programs marked in the teaching plan.Presentations: Seminar presentation in a group.

Coursework requirements

Attendance, Presentation

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Ayan Abdi Mohamoud Handulle

Method of work

Methods of work

Lectures, seminars, group work and individual work adapted to different modes of study. All students are expected to read the syllabus and participate in student group- and classroom discussions. Cultural diversity and child protection will be exercised from local, national and global perspectives. The course coordinator will facilitate a digital learning platform (Canvas).

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course coordinator, the student representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.

Open for

Pre-School Teacher - Bachelor's Degree Programme Pre-School Teacher - Bachelor's Degree Programme Bachelor in child protection and child welfare Battery and Energy Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Biological Chemistry - Biotechnology - Bachelor's Degree Programme Civil Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Urban Planning and Societal Safety - Bachelor`s Degree Programme Computer Science - Bachelor in Engineering Computer Science - Bachelor in Engineering, Part-Time Digital Service Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme Electrical Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering, Part-Time Electrical Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Energy and Petroleum Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering English Language and Literature - Bachelor's Degree Programme Film and TV Production - Bachelor's Degree Programme Geosciences and Energy Resources - Bachelor in Engineering History - Bachelor's Degree Programme Hotel Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme Sports Science- Bachelor's Programme Journalism - Bachelor's Degree Programme Environmental Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Mechanical Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Mathematics and Physics - Bachelor's Degree Programme Medical technology - Bachelor in Engineering Medical Technology - Bachelor in Engineering - part time Nordic Language and Literature - Bachelor's Degree Programme Paramedic - Bachelor's Degree Programme Psychology - Bachelor's Programme Tourism Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme Religion, Culture and Society - Bachelor's Programme Law - bachelor's degree program Extended School Education - Bachelor's Degree Programme Sociology - Bachelor's Degree Programme Social Work - Bachelor's Degree Programme Political Science - Bachelor's Degree Programme Nursing - Bachelor's Degree Programme Customs and Border Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme Business Administration - Bachelor's Degree Programme Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 1 - 7, Master Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 1 - 7, Master, Part-Time Primary and Lower Secondary Teacher Education for Years 5 - 10, Master Advanced teacher education for levels 8-13 Advanced teacher education for level 8-13 in science Mathematics and Physics - Five Year Integrated Master's Degree Programme Half Year Intermediate Program in English Half Year Intermediate Program in History Christianity/Religion - Half Year Intermediate Programme Half Year Intermediate Program in Nordic Languages and Literature Educational Theory and Practice Educational Theory and Practice Educational Theory and Practice in Performing and Creative Arts Educational Theory and Practice in Performing and Creative Arts
Exchange programme at Faculty of Social Sciences
Drama and Theatre Communication- One-year programme English - One-year programme Outdoor Education Offshore Wind Energy - One-Year Study Program History - One-year programme Sports Science- One-year programme Communication - One Year Study Programme Religious Studies - One-year programme Arts and Crafts - One-year programme Learning and Psychology, a one-year course Mathematics - One-Year Programme Primary and Secondary School Music Education Nordic Languages and Literature - One-year programme Psychology - One-year programme Science and Technology - one-year programme Tourism in change - One - year Programme Sociology - One-year programme Political Science - One - year Programme One year study programme - Music Performance Økonomi og ledelse - årsstudium

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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