Introduction to Customs Legislation and Legal Method (TOL110)

The course provides an introduction to customs legislation and legal method. Legal method are the rules on determining the content of legal rules and solving specific legal questions, and consists of norms for correct legal argumentation.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



In this course students are given an introduction to legal method, which they must be able to apply to solve legal problems. The main focus in the course is on the sources of law i.e legitimate forms of argumentation when discussing legal issues- particularly in the Act on the movement of goods and the Customs Duty Act, It also covers legal sources principles which guide the use of the sources of law. The course also provides an introduction to the Transport of Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act and its structure, history, structure and relationship to international law.

Learning outcome

After completing the course, the student wil have the following learning outcomes defined in general competence, knowledge and skills:

After completing the course, students should have knowledge of:

  • What characterizes legal method
  • How the law is applied
  • Legal sources and legal principles, with a particular focus on relevance, conclusion and weight/harmonisation principles
  • The principles of statutory interpretation
  • The relationship between statutory and non-statutory law
  • The structure of the Transport of Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act and the tasks of the customs authorities
  • The relationship between the Transport of Goods Act, the Customs Duty Act, the Public Administration Act and Publicity Act
  • The Norwegian customs relationship to international conventions and EU/EEA law (international obligations)

After completing the course, students should be able to:

  • Find, inform and update oneself on legal sources
  • Explain key legal-methodical topics and discuss current legal-methodical issues
  • Understand legal argumentation
  • Explain the relationship between Norwegian customs law and international law, including Norwegian customs law and EU/EEA law
  • Explain the relationship between the Transport of Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act with the Public Administration Act and tPublicity Act
  • Explain the structure of the Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act

After completing the course, students must have general competence in:

  • Written communication and discussion of legal issues
  • Structure of the Transport of Goods Act and the Customs Duty Act
  • Planning and execution of varied tasks and projects, both independently and in collaboration with others
  • Dissemination of central theories within legal method, and use of the subject to identify different types of problems and solutions

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Letter grades Lovdata

Digital exam

Coursework requirements

Written hands in 1

A mandatory assignement must be approved in order for the student to be eligible to take the exam. More information about this will be posted on Canvas. The mandatory assignment can also be given as a group assignement.

Form of assessment: Approved/failed.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Vegard Bø Bahus

Course coordinator:

Ola Johan Settem

Head of Department:

Tore Markeset

Method of work

The program is a full-time program. Forms of work are varied and include e.g. lectures, seminars, compulsory assignment.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Introduction to customs legislation and legal method (E-TOL110_1) 10
Legal method I (BRV120_1) 10

Open for

Customs and Border Management - Bachelor's Degree Programme

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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