Business Economics (MSB107)

This master level course in microeconomics and focuses on business applications. It provides students with the analytical skills necessary for conducting rigorous examinations of consumer choice, producer decisions and market formation.Students will also learn how to decode applied microeconomic research and gain hands-on experience in empirical analysis. Microeconomics provides important tools for leaders in business environments, analysts in planning and resource management and researchers in both the private and public sector. In the words of J. M. Keynes: "The theory of economics does not furnish a body of settled conclusions immediately applicable to policy. It is a method rather than a doctrine. An apparatus of the mind, a technique of thinking, which helps its possessor to draw correct conclusions."

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



Microeconomic analysis provides critical tools for modern business leaders, public policy makers and resource managers, as well as researchers in both the private and public sector.

The first part of the course presents core neoclassical theories of the consumer, firm, and market equilibrium outcomes, emphasizing training in abstract thinking and formal analysis (ie, mathematical, graphical, and verbal). Strategic decision making by consumers and firms in a game theoretic framework is also covered.

The second part of the course covers a selection of extended microeconomic topics (eg, public economics and behavioral economics). Throughout these semesters, the students will also practice applied microeconomic analysis (eg, decoding and analyzing scientific articles; data analysis; scientific writing).

The course involves solving mathematical problems, interpreting R code and output pertaining to the simulation of microeconomics models, and reading academic research papers.

Learning outcome


Upon completion of the course, students will have:

  • Anadvancedunderstandingofkeymicroeconomicconcepts,theoriesandmodelsthatformthebasisofthecourse and the science of economics
  • Theabilitytoseethecomplexityandscopeofthedeterminantsofeconomicbehaviorinconsumers,producersand other types of microeconomic agents
  • Developedextensiveknowledgeandeconomicintuitionregardingtheformalizationofmodelsofthedecision-making processes of microeconomic agents
  • Understandhowextensions/modificationsofconsumertheory,producertheory,andmarketequilibriummodelsare relevantforaddressingreal-worldchallenges
  • Solvemicroeconomicmodelsusingstatisticalsoftware(e.g.,R)andsimulatedemand,supply,marketprice,and competitive equilibriums.


Upon completion of the course, students will:

  • Have the ability to use different theories and models to analyze what drives economic actors in different situations
  • Know how to read and comprehend published microeconomic research
  • Be capable of implementing their own applied microeconomic research
  • Beabletoapplymicroeconomictoolsasabasisforevaluatinganddevelopingeconomicdecision-makingstrategies in both the private and public sectors of the economy
  • Be able to analyze the causes of and potential solutions to real-world challenges such as designing wage contracts, mitigating free-riding in teams, and selecting channels of advertising.
  • Know how to use statistical software for simulating economic models such as predict market prices

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

Bachelor's course in microeconomics, calculus, and statistics.


Folder exam and written exam

Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Folder (multi-part individual or group assignment) 2/5 1 Semesters Letter grades
Written exam 3/5 4 Hours Letter grades Dictionary 1), Valid calculator,

1) Dictionary: English-English, English-other, other-Englis

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Hammad Shaikh

Study Program Director:

Ingeborg Foldøy Solli

Method of work

Attendlectures,processcoursematerial(textbookchapters,scientificarticles,etc.),solvepracticeproblems(both graded and non-graded), work in learning teams. The expected distribution of effort is approximately as follows:

Attending lectures = 40 hours


Learning team work = 110 hours

Independent study = 110 hours

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Microeconomics (MØA107_1) 10

Open for

Admission to Single Courses at UiS Business School
Industrial Economics - Master of Science Degree Programme Master of Science in Accounting and Auditing Business Administration - Master of Science
Exchange programmes at UIS Business School

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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