Aquatic Ecotoxicology (MLJ650)

The aim of this course is to give the students an introduction to environmental science and ecotoxicology, and to contribute to the student's knowledge about how pollutant chemicals released in nature may cause adverse effects in organsisms, populations and ecosystems. Both terrestrial and aquatic issues are addressed in the course, although the main focus will be on aquatic environments.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



NB! This is an elective course and may be cancelled if fewer than 10 students are enrolled by August 20th for the autumn semester.

Tematically the course include the following elements:

  • Classification of pollutant chemicals and different kinds of pollution.
  • Major sources of pollution from industries and the society.
  • Pollution issues related to aquatic ecosystems.
  • Environmental behaviour and fate of pollutant chemicals
  • Uptake and distribution of pollutants in organisms
  • Biological effects of pollutant chemicals in individual organisms and populations
  • Standardised methods for assessment of chemical toxicity
  • Methods used in environmental monitoring and environmental risk assessment
  • Environmental regulation of chemicals
  • Environmental issues in offshore oil and gas industry
  • Ecotoxicology in the Arctic environment
  • Climatic issues and ocean acidification issues
  • Emerging environmental pollutants

Learning outcome

The main learning outcome for the student shall be a general knowledge in the essentials of environmental science and an ability to explain the main aspects related to various forms of anthropogenic pollutant chemicals and their potential adverse effects in nature. After taking the course the student shall also have a good overview about the most important methods and study approaches used in studies and research of environmental pollutant chemicals.

Required prerequisite knowledge


Recommended prerequisites

It is recommended that the students prior to this course have a basic competence level within general chemistry, organic chemistry, general biology and biochemistry.


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Written exam 1/1 4 Hours Passed / Not Passed None permitted

The exam is digital.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Daniela Maria Pampanin

Coordinator laboratory exercises:

Liv Margareth Aksland

Method of work

4 hours lectures and 4 hours exercises a week. The course is based primarily on a series of lectures, workshop, but it will also include one practical laboratory group work exercise.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Aquatic Ecotoxicology (MET220_1) 10
Ecotoxicology (MBI100_1) 5
Offshore Industry and External Environment (MOT490_1) 5

Open for

Biological Chemistry - Biotechnology - Bachelor's Degree Programme Environmental Engineering - Bachelor in Engineering Biological Chemistry - Master of Science Degree Programme Environmental Engineering - Master of Science Degree Programme
Exchange programme at Faculty of Science and Technology

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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