Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship (MEN260)

In this course, the student gain insight into how innovation and entrepreneurship can both contribute to and challenge sustainability and social justice. How can we understand and analyze emerging situations where existing solutions do not seem to address the problem? How can we act when there are several, different understandings of what the problem is? How can we creatively explore possible solutions in dynamically developing situations?

The course is open to all students on an MA-programme at UiS, and exchange students on MA-level.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



NB. There is no teaching or possibility for exam in the academic year 2025/26.

The course provides a thorough introduction to how we can develop new solutions that are sustainable and responsible. Major societal changes will often have consequences for affected parties, and it can be difficult to predict how this may affect the parties. As managers and developers of new solutions in the private and public sectors, you have a responsibility to strive to ensure that the solutions do not involve danger or negative consequences for those affected by them. Social innovation is about how we can develop solutions that benefit society. It can for example be about how we manage common goods such as access to nature and how we develop good living conditions locally and globally.

Through practical case work, the student will work with real problems together with fellow students and lecturers. Insight into process perspectives on innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainability, and social responsibility is given, and the understanding of these perspectives is integrated into the practical case work.

Examples of themes are:

  • Processual perspectives on innovation and entrepreneurship
  • Processual perspectives on sustainability and social justice
  • How can we work with practical situations where both problems and solutions can be ambiguous and dynamically developing?

NB. There is no teaching or possibility for exam in the academic year 2025/26.

Learning outcome


  • After completing the course, students are expected to possess good knowledge of how innovation and entrepreneurship can be understood as processual and relational phenomena and how social justice and sustainability is constantly setting new requirements for what can be understood as responsible innovations.
  • Students are expected to acquire good knowledge about processual understandings and perspectives on sustainability and social justice, and that what is sustainable in an isolated setting is sometimes not sustainable in a larger perspective.
  • Students will develop a processual understanding of reality and of how this understanding can be used to explore specific issues and solutions.


  • Students will be able to critically assess how different solutions can be understood as sustainable and just.
  • They will be able to assess the potential aspects of sustainability and social justice that different innovations can bring about.
  • They will be able to contribute to develop practical strategies for how small-, medium-, and large organizations can contribute to sustainability and social justice through their activities.
  • They will be able to contribute to indentify and mobilize potential stakeholders and those affected of the situations in question.

General competence:

  • The course will contribute to critical and reflexive thinking about the products, services, and working methods that we develop, and what responsibility we have for the consequences of innovative solutions.
  • Through the course, the students will develop relational and processual understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship and be able to use these to work with societal challenges for exploring potential solutions.

Required prerequisite knowledge



Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Folder evaluation 1/1 Letter grades

The exam form is portfolio assessment consisting of three assignments. The work on the portfolio assignments will take place during the actual teaching period and will be completed during the exam period.The portfolio consists of two group assignments and an individual assignment. For students enrolled in an international Master's program, all assignments must be in English. Students on a Norwegian program may choose to submit in English or a Scandinavian language.If the portfolio is not passed, the portfolio must be rehanded in in connection with the next ordinary teaching term for the course. In the event of documented valid absence, you can apply for a postponed submission deadline corresponding to the length of the absence, cf. the Regulations relating to Studies and Examinations at the University of Stavanger.Cooperation is allowed, where applicable please refer to such in the assignment-texts.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Eleni Damopoulou

Method of work

Group work, lectures, fieldwork, and workshops. Active participation in and in between the group work/seminars are expected in order to complete the course and conduct the portfolio assignment.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Ansvarlig innovasjon og entreprenørskap (DMEN260_1) 10

Open for

The course is open for students already enrolled on a Master's programme at UiS.

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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