Applied Social Science Research Methods (MEN185)

In this course, students will gain first-hand experience with the use of some of the most significant methods for data collection and data analysis in the social sciences. The ability to apply research methods in an independent and structured way is a crucial prerequisite for writing a master's thesis, and it is also a necessary competency for a knowledge-based work life outside of academia.

Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.


Course code




Credits (ECTS)


Semester tution start


Number of semesters


Exam semester


Language of instruction



In this course you will learn about, and gain direct experience with, applied social science research methods. Along the process, you will also learn to develop and plan your own research projects by developing problem statements, research question, and research designs.

The course consists of three main themes:

1. Qualitative methods: The first theme covers the methodological choices, practical tools, and theoretical concerns associated with qualitative approaches to data collection and analysis. Examples of methods that may be discussed and applied are interviews, text analysis, content analysis, discourse analysis, participatory action research, as well as comparative, interpretative, and deliberative policy analysis. The precise content of the theme may be adjusted from year to year.

2. Quantitative methods: The second theme covers various ways of collecting primary and secondary quantitative data; applying standard data handling and analysis systems; analysing and reporting the findings; interpreting the results, and critically evaluating the quality of such work. Examples of methods that may be covered in the course are survey design and questionnaires, descriptive analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, and regression analysis. The precise content of the theme may be adjusted from year to year.

3. Research design: The third theme covers design and planning of an independent research project from getting research ideas to writing up a formal research proposal. This includes the development, formulation, and clarification of the problem and question(s) to be addressed; what aspects to investigate; uses of theories and concepts; selecting the relevant data and methodology; research ethics, etc. This theme is taught as a preparation exercise for the master's thesis.

Learning outcome


Upon successful completion of the course, students should:

  1. Know and understand the principles of doing research in social sciences.
  2. Understand the assessments behind selection of research design and methods of data collection and analysis.
  3. Know about and be able to discern various research traditions and schools.
  4. Have advanced knowledge about the strengths and weaknesses of various methods.


Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Participate in the methodology discourse in empirical social sciences.
  2. Evaluate social science research.
  3. Design and conduct research, i.e., be able to choose and implement an appropriate research design, including:

    1. develop a problem statement and research questions
    2. plan and justify an empirical research strategy to explore a problem
    3. elaborate an analytical/theoretical framework
    4. collect, process, and analyse empirical data using both qualitative and quantitative methods
  4. Critically assess and evaluate the uses of empirical data in their own and other’s studies.

General competence

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Independently assess their own and others' empirical research using the methods covered in the course.
  2. Critically assess the uses of social science research and data in private and public sectors, outside of academia.
  3. Balance scientific principles and professional ideals with practical limitations and conditions in practical situations.

Required prerequisite knowledge

One of the following alternatives:
MEE125 Philosophy of Science and Research Methods
MEE140 Philosophy of Science and Research Methods
MEN155 Hermeneutics, Ethics and Methodology


Form of assessment Weight Duration Marks Aid
Semester paper (individually or in groups) 1/1 Letter grades

The course is taught across most Master's programmes at the Department of Media and Social Sciences. Students in English-language programmes will submit all work in English. Students in Norwegian-language programmes may choose to submit their work in either English or a Scandinavian language.The course is assessed through a semester paper in the form of a research proposal for a master's thesis project. Students may choose to submit the semester paper individually or in groups of maximum two students. If the semester paper is failed, the student has to take the course again next time it is taught. Submission deadlines may be postponed in the event of valid, documented absences (corresponding to the length of absence), cf. regulations on studies and examinations at the University of Stavanger.Cooperation is allowed, please refer to such instances in the semester paper.

Coursework requirements

Group assignment 1, Group assignment 2
To qualify for submitting the semester project, students must complete compulsory work in the form of two group assignments: one on qualitative methods and one on quantitative methods.

Course teacher(s)

Course coordinator:

Jens Kaae Fisker

Course teacher:

Elin Merethe Oftedal

Course teacher:

Torvald Øgaard

Study Adviser:

Magda Hognestad

Method of work

Within each of the three themes a series of lectures will introduce you to the basics of the included methods. Between lectures you will work in groups to apply the methods that you learn about and reflect collectively on the experience you gain. The results of your use of methods and the associated reflections provide the basis for the group assignment to be submitted as a compulsory work requirement. For themes one and three you will also be required to provide peer reviews of your classmates' work.

Overlapping courses

Course Reduction (SP)
Social Science Research Methods (MEE115_1) 10
Applied Research Methods (MEN225_1) 10

Open for

Digital Society and Societal Transformations - Master's Degree Programme Sustainability Studies - Master's Degree Programme Change Management - Master's Degree Programme

Course assessment

There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.


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