Practical training in Energy and Petroleum Engineering (ENP300)
Practice work / student project
The registration deadline for the practical training course is 20. August. The application is assessed by the faculty, and approved if the prescribed prerequisites are met.
Course description for study year 2025-2026. Please note that changes may occur.
Course code
Credits (ECTS)
Semester tution start
Number of semesters
Exam semester
Language of instruction
This is a course where learning takes place in a professional environment outside the university, for example in an industrial company or at a research institution. Practical training may also occur as part of an approved student project at the Faculty of Science and Technology.
The course aims to give students practical experience, as well as the opportunity to immerse themselves in selected issues related to the energy and petroleum industry.
The students must find the appropriate workplace on their own. Practical training in a student project must be based upon an agreement between the student and the department's academically responsible for the actual project.
Between the student, workplace and department, a standard contract is signed, containing a short description of the work expected to be performed by the student. The student, workplace and department must also agree upon a plan devicing how the internship and supervision are to be conducted.
Evaluation will be made on the basis of a report handed in by the student towards the end of the internship, together with certified timesheets or other documentation from the workplace.
Learning outcome
Upon completion of this course, the following outcome is intended:
Knowledge: The candidates have in-depth knowledge of relevant methods and working habits within their dicipline, and can update their knowledge through contact with the professional community and it's practice.
Skills: The candidates can apply their knowledge to so solve technical and practical problems, and participate in engineering projects both independently and in cooperation with others. The candidates can assess and refer to relevant information and present this to illuminate a problem description.
General competence: The candidates have insight into the concequences of products and solutions within their dicipline, and are able to communicate engineering knowledge to various target audiences, as well as to reflect upon their own professional practice.
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
The technical specialisation courses ENP110 and ENP100 should have been passed.
Contact the course coordinator before registering the course.
Report: The student must deliver a critically reflective report on their practical training, including certified time sheets or other documentation of the performed work.
Coursework requirements
Practical training is compulsory. The student has to submit certified timesheets or other documentation of presence in order to get the practical training approved. Practical training has to be approved in order to be able to submit a final report and receive assessment in the course.
There must be a formal contract between the practical training institution, the student and UiS. This must be signed and submitted to the course coordinator by September 1st.
The student is expected to spend at least 150 - 200 working hours at the workplace, corresponding to a minimum of 20 work days.