The course explores the intersection and overlap between psychology and somatic medicine, focusing on a holistic understanding of the co-variation and interaction of the body, mind, and environment. Students will gain knowledge of theories and methods to understand and predict the development of health and ill-health. The main focus is on methods for health promotion as well as prevention and treatment of disease.
Learning outcome
On successful completion of this course, students will
have knowledge of fundamental theories, methods, and models concerning the overlap between psychology and somatic medicine
understand how diseases and related pathophysiology interact with psychological and behavioral factors
have knowledge of basic features of health psychology working methods, with particular emphasis on various biopsychosocial factors
have knowledge of the main features of health-promoting methodologies
have knowledge of the relative strengths and weaknesses of different health-promoting measures at the community level
On successful completion of this course, students will
be able to discuss interventions that are aimed at the overlap between psychology and somatic medicine and how these can be applied in working life
be able to explain stress theory, chronic illness, social support, and quality of life
be able to explain the significance of psychological and social factors for health, well-being, and illness
be able to discuss the main theories for the prevention of health problems and the main features of health-promoting methodologies
General competencies
On successful completion of this course, students will
be able to explain fundamental concepts and theories within the field of health psychology
be able to critically reflect on health and unhealthiness/ill health
Required prerequisite knowledge
Recommended prerequisites
BPS110 Introduction to psychology, BPS120 The History and Method of Psychology, BPS130 Personality psychology, social psychology and psychological methods, BPS140 Biological psychology, developmental psychology and cognitive psychology
Form of assessment
Folder evaluation
1 Semesters
Letter grades
Portfolio assessment consisting of two written assignments. The grade is based on the assessment of the portfolio as a whole. Scope: approx. 1000 words (+/-10%) per assignment not including table of contents, source references and bibliography. Referencing and citation style: APA 7th. The topic of the assignment will be defined by the course coordinator. A detailed activity plan will be provided by the course coordinator at the start of the teaching.Students who do not pass the ordinary examination can submit a revised version of the portfolio when taking a re-sit examination. Students who fail the re-sit or re-scheduled examination must take the course examination together with the subsequent year group, and follow the teaching and examination arrangements that apply to this year group.
Coursework requirements
compulsory seminars, Written assignment
All of the compulsory activities must be approved in order for the student to be eligible for examination. Approval/non-approval of compulsory activities is announced on Studentweb, normally no later than 7 days before the examination. Students who lack approval of one or more compulsory activities will be withdrawn from the examination.
Compulsary activities:
Seminars: Preparation for, attendance and participation in 5 seminars. If more than 50% attendance is achieved, the student may be evaluated individually at the course leader's discretion. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that attendance requirements are met.
Written assignment: Written exercise/submission (one or partial submissions). A detailed activity plan will be provided by the course supervisor at the start of the lesson. Rated as approved/not approved.
There must be an early dialogue between the course supervisor, the student union representative and the students. The purpose is feedback from the students for changes and adjustments in the course for the current semester.In addition, a digital course evaluation must be carried out at least every three years. Its purpose is to gather the students experiences with the course.