CIIP: Research

CIIP originates from the Stavanger Centre for Innovation Research (CIR) at the University of Stavanger School of Business. CIR was established in 2008 and has over 30 researchers from the UiS Business School, the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Faculty of Technical and Natural Sciences, and the Norwegian Research Centre. CIIP will build on these strengths and continue developing into a global hub for research on the economic, social, and political challenges of innovation.

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Releasing the power of users

When digitizing the health and welfare services, patients should have a say. What are their worries and wishes? This project will develop a greater understanding of the users by identifying their attitudes, concerns, and expectations related to welfare technology.

Responsible Research and Innovation in Norway

Responsible Research and Innovation in Norway connects several Norwegian research institutions and explores how research and innovation can be used to achieve desired societal development.

RUNIN: The Role of Universities in Innovation and Regional Development

The RUNIN network program aimed to educate researchers on how universities contribute to innovation and regional development in their regions. The program ran over a period of 4 1/2 years from September 2016 to February 2021.

Innovation in Times of Crisis - Knowledge Base for Innovation and Change

This project investigates how innovation activity in Norwegian businesses and industries is affected by Covid-19: What are the main challenges that have arisen because of the covid-19 pandemic, how have businesses in key Norwegian industries handled the crisis, how do they adjust to the situation, and what reflections do companies have on future opportunities and challenges?

Stiim Aqua Cluster – Low-emission value chain for offshore aquaculture

By 2050 the world population will exceed 9 billion people. Aquaculture can play a crucial role in feeding the increasing population, but for that to happen we need new technology. This project works to create a greener offshore aquaculture with lower emissions of CO2 and other environmental footprints as well as preserving marine life.

POLISS – Policies for Smart Specialisation

POLISS is an Innovative Training Network bringing together 7 European Universities and 13 Partners with the aim of contributing to the improvement of the EU’s Smart Specialisation Policy. Smart Specialisation is a successful innovative approach that aims to boost sustainable growth, levels of employment and social cohesion in Europe, by enabling each region to identify and develop its own competitive advantages.

UNEEC: The Role of Universities in Building Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems

The UNEEC project examine universities that play a major role in their regions. The goal is to strengthen the universities’ understanding of management relations with regional and national stakeholders, in accordance with the universities´ internal drivers for innovation and entrepreneurship.

RegReSir – Regional Resilience and Sustainable Industrial Restructuring

RegReSir investigates the effects of the Covid-19 crisis on industrial development patterns and industrial policy in Norwegian regions: How do companies deal with pandemic-related challenges, how did they adjust during the crisis, and will they return to the «old normal» or develop more robust strategies and adaptations?

Qualidiff – Quality-Based Differentiation of Salmon

Salmon is one of Norway's largest export goods and the industry accounts for 5.5 % of the country's total export revenues. Through quality-based differentiation strategies the goal of «Qualidiff» is to strengthen the Norwegian salmon farming industry and ensure the industry's long-term competitiveness and resilience.

Responsible Innovation in the Norwegian Salmon Farming Industry: Grand Societal Challenges, Dilemmas and Improvements

Norwegian salmon farming corporations are highly influential in the increasingly global salmon farming industry. To maintain this leading position new theoretical, empirical, and practical knowledge is required. By mapping the global networks of leading Norwegian salmon farming businesses, this project studies dilemmas that arise between economic, environmental, and social concerns in the salmon farming industry in Norway, Canada, Australia and Chile.