Anna Kvashchuk defended her dissertation for the degree of PhD at the University of Stavanger the 30th of April.

Anna Kvashchuk defended the thesis “An investigation of Second-order Finite Volume Methods for Field scale Reservoir Simulation”.
Kvashchuk's research project focused on improving the accuracy of numerical simulation of flow in subsurface reservoirs by using so-called second-order finite volume methods.
"The numerical modeling of subsurface flow is crucial for several technological challenges, such as managing freshwater, storing CO2 to reduce greenhouse gases, and improving oil recovery. My research focused on making these simulations more accurate with advanced numerical methods. They help predict fluid movement more precisely," Kvashchuk explains.
Anna Kvashchuk tried several advanced numerical methods to see how well they worked for simulating underground reservoirs.
"After determining which method was the best from my tests, I added them to open-source software called OPM Flow, which anyone can use. I ensured that engineers using it could easily choose between traditional and new methods."
Kvashchuk used a real-life underground oil field model to ensure her method works in actual conditions, not just in theory. She evaluated the advantages and challenges of the new method for real-world simulations.
"These findings are like new tools for figuring out the best ways to manage fluids deep underground, whether it is water, oil, or stored CO2. Using advanced computation, we improved computer models that show how different fluids move and interact underground. They help companies and engineers decide the best spots for drilling or injection and how to do it efficiently without wasting time or resources," Kvashchuk says.