In the mind of the man

Monday 20 November 2023 12:15-13:00,

Step into the office of sexologist Andreas Håheim and learn about what men struggle with.

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Men score high on all statistics with a negative connotation, including suicide, violence, crime, abuse, and so on. At the same time, men score very low when it comes to statistics related to seeking help and accessing support systems. The typical man doesn't seek help and does everything he can to avoid showing weakness.

But when a man finally seeks help, the facade quickly crumbles. This is what University Lecturer in Social Work at UiS, Andreas Håheim, discovered in his second profession at Stavangersexologene. In Håheim's recent book, "I hodet på mannen", you'll meet four individuals. Their stories are based on Håheim's encounters with clients at the sexologist's office.

"These stories are like reflections of the many souls who have placed their trust in me. When you read this book, you'll discover that men are much more than society allows them to be," Håheim says about the book that is being released by Frisk forlag these days.

In celebration of International Men's Day, we invite you to a lunch and book discussion with a focus on men. Tina Bojovic, University Lecturer in Social Work at UiS, will lead the conversation with Håheim. We'll be serving pizza rolls and soft drinks.

The event will be in Norwegian.