He is Energy Professional of the Year

Reidar Bratvold won the prize as Energy Professional of the Year at the SPE gala.

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En mann har mottatt en pris.

Reidar Bratvold won the award Energy Professional of the Year. Here with Ekaterina Sørensen and Svein-Tore Brundtland. All photos: SPE Stavanger

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Idunn Marie Pedersen won the Bachelor of Science Award.

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The Master of Science Student award winner was Gurveer Singh.

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The Doctor of Philosophy – PhD Award was given to Jassem Abbasi.

For 50 years, the Society of Petroleum Engineers, Stavanger Section has served the local oil and gas businesses in the Stavanger region. Friday May 24th 2024 the 50-year anniversary SPE Stavanger Awards Gala was performed in Stavanger konserthus with more than 400 delegates from the Oil and Gas community in the region. Several prizes were handed out to honor top performers within the Industry and the Academia.

Reidar Brumer Bratvold, Professor at University of Stavanger won the prize as the Energy Professional of the Year.

Idunn Marie Pedersen won the Bachelor of Science Award for outstanding academic results. The Master of Science Student award winner was Gurveer Singh. The PhD Award was given to Jassem Abbasi.

The Young Professionals prize was awarded to Sanne Lorentzen for her fantastic career development, social and administrative work. Lorentzen took her PhD degree at University of Stavanger.

Congratulations to all winners!