Norwegian Early Childhood Education Research Conference 2025

FILIORUM - Center for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care, in collaboration with KINDknow at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, is pleased to invite you to the 7th edition of the Norwegian Early Childhood Education Research Confrence. The conference will be held on October 22-23 in Stavanger.

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THEME FOR THIS YEARS'S Early Childhood Education Research Confrence:

Together for quality in early childhood education

Norsk barnehageforskningskonferanse 2025
Photo: Elisabeth Tønnessen


Although there is consensus that all children have the right to high-quality early childhood education, studies show that the quality of Norwegian kindergartens varies. Quality is a complex phenomenon that encompasses multiple dimensions and aspects. To establish the best possible foundation for how research can contribute to achieving high quality in early childhood education, FILIORUM and KINDknow invite you to the 7th Norwegian Early Childhood Education Research Conference, with the theme: Together for quality in early childhood education. We welcome contributions from all perspectives and aspects of the concept of quality to foster dialogue across different thematic and methodological approaches. Interdisciplinary contributions are especially encouraged.

Barn sykler ute
Photo: Elisabeth Tønnessen

Sub-themes for the conference:

  • Staff perspectives on early childhood education quality
  • Parental perspectives on early childhood education quality
  • Kindergarten owners’ views on early childhood education quality
  • Early childhood education quality in policy documents and plans
  • Children's well-being, play, and learning from a quality perspective
  • Quality in relationship-building in early childhood education
  • Children's participation and influence
  • Implementing various elements of the National Framework Plan for Early Childhood Education
  • Children's experiences and understanding of early childhood education quality
  • Cultural sensitivity in quality work
  • Quality in language work, including linguistic diversity and variation
  • The role of early childhood teachers in quality work
  • Quality in collaboration between home and preschool
  • Staffing and its impact on quality
  • Quality in sustainability efforts
  • Quality in professional education and development
  • Quality for the youngest children in early childhood education
  • Quality in working with subject areas

Target Audiences

Researchers, Ph.D. students, and others interested in the early childhood education field.

Presentation Formats

  • Paper
  • Poster
  • Self-organized symposium

Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: April 30
  • Feedback on abstracts by: June 16, 2025
  • Conference registration opens: June 1
  • Registration deadline: September 3

Additional Information

  • The conference fee includes a conference dinner on Wednesday, October 22, as well as lunch on all conference days.
  • The conference will be held at Clarion Hotel Energy.


Jenni Salminen
jenni salminen

Jenni Salminen is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Faculty of Education and Psychology at University of Jyväskylä, Finlan. Salminen’s research focuses on examining teacher-child interaction in the context of early childhood education and care (ECEC) and primary education, particularly understanding how the characteristics and quality of early teacher-child interaction are associated with children’s learning and well-being, how teachers’ characteristics and experiences shape the interactions in the classrooms, and the role that home environment plays for the child development. Salminen currently work as a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC funded EarlyMath-project, where she is the responsible researcher of the Preschool sample substudy. She is the primary investigator of the Interaction, development and Learning (VUOKKO) – follow-up-study, and an expert in the eTALE Africa 2 -project, focusing on developing contents of ECEC and math to support teacher education in sub-Saharan Africa. She is also a research group member in CRITICAL -project and With Sensitive Eyes -eyetracking research project.

Wilfried Smidt
Wilfried Smidt

Wilfried Smidt is a full Professor in Education with a main focus on Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Education, Department of Psychosocial Intervention and Communication Studies, University of Innsbruck in Austria. Wilfried Smidt is also Adjunct Professor of Educational Science at the Centre for Research in Early Childhood Education and Care (FILIORUM), University of Stavanger in Norway. He holds a doctorate in Educational Science from the University of Bamberg and habilitated in Educational Science at the University of Bamberg. His main research interests have focused on professionalization in early childhood education, leadership in early childhood education, academic success and career success of early childhood pedagogues, personality traits of early childhood pedagogues, educational quality in preschool and family, and early literacy. Smidt is currently a part of the research projects Early language education and support − researching and developing training and practice together and The quality of preschool teachers’ training in Austria and Ukraine: A comparative analysis."

Thomas Moser
Thomas Moser

Thomas Moser is professor of ECEC research at the National Center for Learning Environment and Behavioral Research at the University of Stavanger, and is part of FILIORUM’s Centre Management Team. His current research focuses on kindergarten organization, quality and effects, bullying and inclusion, children's learning and development, curriculum issues, professional development, well-being and learning, space and materiality. He has been involved in a number of national and international research projects, e.g., co-coordinating two EU-founded research project. Moser was a member of several government-appointed committees in Norway and has been co-founder and chair of the board of the National Graduate School of Teacher Education (NAFOL). His publications include about 200 articles, professional papers, reviews, reports, textbook chapters, and books.

Eivind Aadland
Eivind Aadland

Eivind Aadland is a professor at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Education, Arts and Sports, Campus Sogndal. His main field is physical activity and health, where he seeks to understand and promote physical activity, primarily among children and youth. His primary research interests are the relationships between physical activity, physical fitness, motor skills, health, and holistic development in children and youth, intervention research in kindergarten and school, as well as the measurement and analysis of physical activity using accelerometers. Over the past 10 years, he has primarily worked with physical activity in kindergartens, where he leads two major research and development projects, the Active Learning Norwegian Preschool(er)s (ACTNOW) study and the Move-play-explore in early childhood education (MoveEarly) study., which aim to integrate physical activity into kindergarten practices. He also leads the research group for Physical Activity and Public Health at the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.


Faculty of Arts and Education
Department of Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH
HL A-219
Faculty of Arts and Education
Faculty Administration UH