PhD-defence Xiangyu Quan

Thursday 5 September 2024 10:00-14:00,
Kjølv Egelands hus,
KE E-164.

PhD-candidate Xiangyu Quan at the UiS School of Business and Law will have her Public Defence for her dissertation «Sailing through Uncertainty: The role of inter-organizational collaboration in addressing complex problems» for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor).

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Xiangyu Quan
Xiangyu Quan

  • Time and Place: Thursday. September 5, at Kjølv Egelands building, auditorium KE E-164.
  • Trial lecture at 10 AM
  • Public Defence at Noon (12 PM)

Title of trial lecture: Eco-Innovation in the Service Sectors

Title of dissertation: Sailing through Uncertainty: The role of inter-organizational collaboration in addressing complex problems

The dissertation is publicly available in the open archive for scientific works UIS Brage:  UiS Brage: Sailing through Uncertainty: The role of inter-organizational collaboration in addressing complex problems (

The trial lecture and public defence will be streamed on Teams. Contact the UiS School of Business and Law if you like to join on Teams.


  1. opponent: Silvia Rita Sedita, Professor, University of Padova, Italy
  2. opponent: Maria Tsouri, Associate Professor, HVL
  • Administrator: Alli Türkyilmaz, Associate Professor, UIS School of Business and Law
  • Supervisor: Professor Marte Cecilie Wilhelmsen Solheim, UiS School of Business and Law
  • Co-supervisor: Professor Rune Dahl Fitjar, UiS School of Business and Law and Professor Andrés Rodríguez-Pose, London School of Economics and Political Science/UiS School of Business and Law
  • Head of the dissertation: Ola Kvaløy, Dean, UiS School of Business and Law
The trial lecture and the defence are open for all interested.