HelseCampus Stavanger
an innovation and co-creation arena for academia, healthcare providers, business, patients and their next of kin
Visit us at Innovationpark Stavanger, in the south end of campus Ullandhaug. Find your way in MazeMap. Our address: Professor Olav Hanssens vei 7a, building i2, 4021 Stavanger.
Manager: Line Hurup Thomsen
Contact: helsecampus@uis.no
Partners: Stavanger municipality, Stavanger university hospital, Laerdal Medical, Norce, Validé og University of Stavanger.
HelseCampus Stavanger is an innovation and co-creation arena for academia, healthcare providers, business, patients and their next of kin.

The population is ageing, and we are having higher expectations. Within the constraints of resources, it is difficult to balance desires and possibilities. The shortage of workforce will give us limits in how to solve the work tasks.
Our goal is to create a sustainable healthcare which is focusing on patient’s needs. A sustainable healthcare takes advantage of the possibilities which lies in technology, uses and further develop the competence to the healthcare workers, and solves tasks efficiently.
Together we will:
- Develop knowledge and services to improve the health of the citizens.
- Test and implement health technology solutions.
- Provide excellent teaching by using simulation methodology.
- Develop and strengthen health-related industry.
- Create gathering places for discussions, cooperation and sharing of experiences.
Apply for seed funding
The innovation projects should be within the three strategic focus areas simulation, integration of care services, and security and safety. Read more about the seed funding and find the application form.
Tools to help you in the innovation process
Projects involving HelseCampus Stavanger
News about HelseCampus Stavanger
Innovation projects receive seed funding from HelseCampus
Four projects which all aim to contribute to a sustainable healthcare service have been awarded seed funding from HelseC...
Ingvil Hellstrand Wins Award for Dissemination and Societal engagement
The UiS researcher moves elegantly between equal opportunities and gender diversity, welfare and caring sciences researc...
Reducing nurses’ workload with exoskeletons
Students and researchers at UiS are convinced that exoskeletons can be a useful aid for operating room nurses during lon...
Simulating the future
The Faculty of Health Sciences at UiS organized the course “Simulation-based learning in nursing education” from April 1...
Communication training at HelseCampus
Paramedical students in their third year of study and nurses from the municipal health service participated in a joint t...
The Caring Futures project on TV2 News
Researchers from “Caring Futures: Developing Care Ethics for Technology-Mediated Care Practices” were interviewed and qu...
Collaboration partners
Meet all our collaboration partners.

- Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
- Norwegian Smart Care Lab
- Search – Sandnes Education and Research Center Høyland
- Helse Vest IKT
- SUS 2023
- SHARE – Senter for kvalitet og sikkerhet i helsetjenesten
- Nettverk for velferdsforskning
- USHT Rogaland
- VID vitenskapelig høgskole
- Fagskolen Rogaland
- AOF Fagskole
- Pårørendesenteret
- FFO Rogaland – Funksjonshemmedes Fellesorganisasjon
- Universitetsfondet
- Kommunenes Sentralforbund (KS)
- Rogaland Kunnskapspark
- Sparebankstiftelsen
- Innovasjonspark Stavanger
- Pumps and Pipes Norway
- Tannhelsetjenestens kompetansesenter Rogaland
- Haltian
- DIGI Rogaland
- Statsforvalteren i Rogaland
- Lyse
Leader board
All partners are represented in the leader board.

- Eldar Søreide, dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stavanger
- Svein Skeie, research director, Stavanger University Hopital
- Jon Harald Kaspersen, departement director, NORCE Health and society
- Michael Sautter, chief learning officer, Laerdal Medical
- Helge Dragsund, Stavanger municipality
- Anne Cathrin Østebø, general manager, Validé
Working group
See participants in the working group.

- Thor Ole Gulsrud, vice dean, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Stavanger
- Anita Kaltveit, Stavanger municipality
- Anne Hjelle, head of research, Helse Stavanger
- Sindre Aske Høyland, researcher health and society, NORCE
- Tor Inge Garvik, senior lead designer, Laerdal Medical
- Arild Kristensen, general manager, Norwegian Smart Care Cluster
- Line Hurup Thomsen, manager, HelseCampus Stavanger