The book Meeting the Inclusion Challenge in Innovation – Giving Voice to Users was presented by some of the authors at the university library at the University of Stavanger. The book editors are Professors Tatiana Iakovleva, Elin M. Oftedal, and John Bessant.

The book is a result of the Research project, Releasing the Power of Users, funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
The success of the innovation process no longer hinges solely on the ingenuity of inventors or engineers but increasingly on the integration of user insights and experiences. But question arise- How to hear, articulate, amplify and co-create with users? This book emphasizes the importance of environments that support experimental and non-routine interactions and the need for tools, methods, leadership, and facilitation that enable co-creation with users.
Among those presenting findings from the book was a former master's student and UiS alumni, Kristian Eiken, from Cap Gemini.
– An internship at Validè led me to focus on how it has been for businesses to involve users in the development phase. Findings show that user involvement is a recurring cycle of continuous testing to extract the most value from testing, Kristian explained.
Associate Professor Thomas Laudal from the UiS School of Business and Law wrote about the dilemma of achieving responsible innovation in regulated markets. In his presentation, he focused on the difference between the Nordic Countries and the UK in the organization of home care services and bureaucratic challenges in user involvement. The challenges ahead with an elderly population are demanding, and innovation is needed.

– 70% of the 75+ population in Scandinavia receive some kind of home care equipment. The demand for home care will double between 2025 and 2060 in Norway, and we need to find new ways to help people cope with challenges
The book highlights the crucial role of responsible innovation, showing how technological advancements must be guided by ethical considerations. It explores how innovation can create not just economic success but also meaningful societal impact, ensuring progress benefits everyone.
– This book is a must-read for anyone involved in the innovation process, from policymakers and engineers to healthcare professionals and entrepreneurs. It challenges the traditional, top-down models of innovation and makes a persuasive case for a user-centric approach that not only meets market demands but also enriches society as a whole. Jill Kickul, Distinguished Professor in Social Entrepreneurship, EGADE Business School, Teconlógico de Monterrey, Mexico City
The book is available online at for purchase or download as a PDF for free.