The University of Stavanger celebrates research, education, presentation, innovation, and contributions to a good working environment through several awards.
Lyse Research Award
The aim of the Lyse Research Award is to promote excellence in research in the Stavanger region, which is being carried out at the University of Stavanger (UiS) and NORCE Stavanger.

The award should stimulate research excellence as well as development of strategic research areas and strong research communities. It is an award of honour to employees at UiS and NORCE Stavanger, who in the last few years, and more specifically during the award year, have distinguished themselves through research excellence at a national or international level.
Recipients can be either an individual researcher, a research group or a research community at UiS and/or NORCE Stavanger.
The award consists of 50,000 kr and a diploma.
All employees and units at UiS may nominate candidates. The deadline for nominations is 1 September.
Nominations should include justifications confirmed via the following documentation:
- The nominee’s/nominees’ publication record
- The nominee’s/nominees’ esteem, standing, and reach in the national and international research fields
- The nominee’s/nominees’ importance in their own research field with regard to the promotion of research and research environment
The Director of Research at UiS is the secretariat for the award
Statutter Lyse for sin forskningspris - bokmål (pdf)
Statuttar Lyse for sin forskingspris - nynorsk (pdf)
SR-bank's Innovation Award
The objective of the award is to stimulate research-based innovation in the Stavanger region. The award is given to an employee or a research environment at UiS and NORCE Stavanger.

SpareBank 1 SR-Bank awards an annual Innovation Award to an employee or a research environment at UiS and NORCE Stavanger in order to stimulate research-based innovation in the Stavanger region.
The award consists of NOK 50,000 given by SpareBank 1 SR-Bank and a diploma. Announcement of the winner(s) and award ceremony will take place at the university's annual celebration at the end of October each year.
All employees and organizational units at or affiliated with UiS, NORCE Stavanger, and Validé can nominate candidates for the award. The deadline for nominations is 1 September.
The main criteria for the award are:
- Research-based innovation
- Commercialization of research results.
Research ideas, projects, publications, patenting, company formation, and third-party financing are central to the assessment. The nomination should be based on the relevant activities performed in the award year that have contributed to a significant boost and/or a breakthrough in the innovation, commercialization, and value-creation processes.
The Director of Innovation at UiS is the secretariat for the award.
Statutter for innovasjonsprisen - bokmål (pdf)
Statuttar for innovasjonsprisen - nynorsk (pdf)
The University Fund’s Presentation and Community Involvement Award
The award aims to promote outstanding presentation and community involvement at the University of Stavanger (UiS).

The award shall encourage research presentation/communication, artistic presentation and community involvement. Presentation of research and artistic presentation may include all forms of presentation from the candidate's own field of study to the general public and/or external user groups. Community involvement also includes participation in social debate, cooperation with society and businesses and participation on boards and public councils or committees.
The award is an honorary award made to employees and students who in recent years, and in particular the calendar year to which the prize applies, have excelled in these areas. It can be awarded to an employee, a student or a group composed of such at the UiS.
Students, staff and organisational bodies at the UiS can nominate candidates for the award.
Nominations shall be justified and documented in the form of:
- The candidate's presentation activities
- The candidate’s community involvement
- The candidate's profile in public and among user groups
Candidates are assessed by a jury consisting of the Rector (chairman of the jury), the Prorector for Innovation and Society, a representative from the University Fund, a representative from the media, a representative from the scientific employees and the Chairman of the Student Organisation. The Secretariat for the award is the Department of Communication and Public Affairs.
The award consists of a diploma and a grant of NOK 50,000 awarded by the University Fund. It is presented by a representative from the University Fund.
Statutter Universitetsfondets pris - bokmål (pdf)
Statutter Universitetesfondets pris - nynorsk (pdf)
The Education and Learning Environment Award
The objective of the Education and Learning Environment Award is to acknowledge environments and individuals at the University of Stavanger who have succeeded in the facilitation of the academic learning of students through professional, academic and pedagogical endeavours.

The purpose of the award is to recognise efforts in creating stimulating education quality and learning environments, as well as endeavours to inspire systematic and competent quality development of study programmes. Special efforts in the facilitation of the physical and psycho-social learning environment at the university can be awarded, as well as innovative academic development of study programmes.
Individual employees, departments, entire study programmes, courses of study, groups of colleagues, administrative units as well as other units responsible for carrying out teaching programmes, can be awarded.
The activities and efforts recognised by the award must be accomplished as a result of cooperation between students, academics, administrative staff, or possibly other entities.
All students and employees may nominate candidates. The deadline will be announced.
The prize is NOK 50,000 and a diploma, which will be awarded at the Annual Celebration.
The Working Environment Award
The award was established in 2021 by the Working Environment Committee (AMU) at the University of Stavanger.

head safety delegate Erika Torgersen and rector Klaus Mohn.
The award highlights is given for extraordinary efforts for the working environment
The aim of the award is to contribute to cultivating a health-promoting learning and working environment, highlight the good work being done at UiS, and inspire new working environment initiatives.
The award recognizes the environment or employees who have made an extraordinary effort for the working environment at UiS and who have shown a unique ability and willingness to initiate measures to improve the working environment.
It is awarded to individuals, environments, groups, and units at UiS who have made a significant effort for the working environment at their unit or at the entire university.