The University of Stavanger has allocated 2.5 million NOK in earmarked grants to Ukrainian researchers fleeing due to the Russian attack on Ukraine, and to researchers connected to the political opposition in Russia.

UiS has expressed its willingness to welcome researchers from Ukraine fleeing the terror of war. Furthermore, UiS has asked the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research to establish a program of measures for Ukrainian researchers not able to search for vacant positions at the university through a normal recruitment process.
The UiS is a member of Scholars at Risk International. Through many years, the university has engaged in helping, supporting, and finding solutions for people fleeing their country. This might be scholars who due to political issues are prevented from conducting their research in their home country because their activities are condemned by the regime, thus forcing them to flee to avoid persecution or even death. The University of Stavanger has an onboarding system in place to help newly arrived foreign employees, and this competence will now be utilised to look after refugee researchers. More than ten percent of all employees at UiS are of foreign origin.
For questions in this matter, please contact senior HR advisor Kjetil Kiil Halvorsen at EMC – Euraxess Mobility Center, telephone 51 83 30 09.