International relations

The University of Stavanger welcomes a growing number of international students and staff to our region each year, and hosts numerous projects, events and other cooperation activities every year.

Publisert Sist oppdatert
UiS is an international university in a strong region. (Photo: Morten Berentsen)

Around 18% of Stavanger inhabitants have a foreign background, situating the UiS in a strongly internationalized region. The UiS admits around 400 international students pr year, and our institutional strategy sets the target for more growth in the coming years.

All levels of the university work towards a higher degree of internationalization, which is part of our strategy for quality development in studies and research, as well as our dialogue with external partners. The International Office is a main point of contact for partners and prospective students.

Student mobility

Student mobility to the UiS is organised through a cooperation between the academic departments and the central International Office.

4 studenter som smiler til kameraet_illustrasjon

For all information about our academic offer and practical information for inbound exchange students, please see the admission pages for inbound exchange students.

Staff exchange at the UiS

Staff exchange is an important part of internationalization of higher education. Visiting each other provides opportunities for professional development as well as intercultural learning experiences, benefiting students, staff and partners.

uteområde på ullandhaug

Staff members of partner universities can visit the UiS provided a pre-agreed programme has been approved by both the home and host institutions. In most cases, an invitation to visit should be sent from the relevant UiS department to start the process of programme negotiation. Most visits are organized by departments, but also central administrative units may occasionally host visitors.

Staff from Erasmus partner universities can apply for funds to their home university to cover expenses related to visits to the UiS.

To find out if you can visit the UiS, please contact your home institution agreement coordinator or EMC - Euraxess Mobility Centre (email:) to find out more.


The UiS participates in both institutional and academic networks for the enhancement and strengthening of our academic and administrative capacity.

Institutional networks:

European Consortium of Innovative Universities

Academic networks:

International cooperation agreements

University of Stavanger has established cooperation agreements with many educational institutions locally and internationally.

Vågen, Stavanger

Full list of partners within the NORDLYS and academic NORDPLUS networksare listed on the following web pages:

Other programmes

We participate in a number of programmes to foster student and staff mobility as well as cooperation for research and development.

Programme participation is based on the institutional strategy to continually develop opportunities for students and staff in line with national and international priorities and recommendations. The Erasmus programme and other European programmes are central to achieve our goals, and central administrative units are responsible for coordinating the programmes and provide information internally and externally.

For more information, please see the individual programmes below:

other programmes


Are you interested in projects and partnerships with universities in the Global South?

The Norwegian Partnership Programme for Global Academic Cooperation (NORPART) facilitates institutional cooperation and mutual student mobility.

The call for applications to NORPART 2023 has opened, and will close 20. September 2023, at 12.00 (CEST).

There are 4 five-year-long NORPART projects at UIS. In 2021, the following appliction received a grant: Applied Informatics for Energy System Integration (AIESI) with 2 partner institutions: Palestine Ahliya University (PAU) and Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport (AASTMT). Project coordinator: Homam Nikpey Somehsaraei.

Information about other projects is at the bottom of this page.

The overall aim of NORPART is to enhance the quality of higher education in Norway and the Global South through academic cooperation and mutual student mobility.

Higher education institutions in thirty-nine developing countries are eligible for funding from NORPART, in partnership with one or more institutions in Norway. In addition, this call is open for applications for partnerships with selected institutions in South Africa.

Student mobility through academic partnerships is a core element in NORPART. All projects should include plans for student mobility, with substantial numbers of mobile students from partner countries to Norway for stays of minimum 3 months’ duration.

  • Full degree master’s scholarships for students/staff from the Global South
  • Joint curriculum development, development of courses, study programmes and degrees
  • Development of educational methods and materials (including digitalisation)
  • Improvement of systems for approval and recognition of education from partner institutions (credit transfer)
  • Dissemination activities
  • Student participation in research activities/projects
  • Joint teaching and supervision, incl. guest lecturing
  • Joint field courses, intensive courses, and summer schools
  • Joint workshops/seminars
  • Courses/trainings/study visits for academic and administrative staff
  • Collaboration with partners from public and private sectors, NGOs, and local communities
  • Student work placements

Each project may be awarded up to NOK 6 million in project funding. In addition, each project can apply for funding of a limited number of full degree master’s scholarships. More information available on the programme page.

No. Activities at Bachelor level may be included in the projects, but student mobility at Bachelor level cannot be funded by NORPART. However, Bachelor students may travel with other funding, such as from the State Educational Loan Fund or International Credit Mobility.

The application results will be available within november 2023.

Karsten Tillerli, Magdalena Brekke and Olga Fagerland from International Office.

Other programmes

EEA and Norway Grants

EEA and Norway Grants are financial mechanisms aimed at reducing economic and social disparities and strengthening bilateral relations with 15 European countries.

EEA logo

The University of Stavanger will consider participation in projects and cooperation activities proposed by institutions in the beneficiary countries participating in relevant programmes.

In the previous EEA Grants period (2009-2014), the UiS participated in projects and researcher mobility activities, both enriching our academic culture and strengthening our education and research activities.

In the current programme period (2014-2020), the UiS aims to increase participation in the cooperation programmes for research and innovation, education and culture.

For statistical information about UiS project participation, please check the EEA and Norway Grants project portal.

Institutional contact points:

Trym N. Holbek,
Division of Academif Affairs, International Office
Area: Scholarships, education and culture

Kyrre Aas,
EU R&D Unit
Division of Research
Area: Research and innovation

other programmes

Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED II)

The NORHED II programme was launched in 2020 by the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) that supports North-South-South university partnerships.

Norad logo

The aim of the NORHED programme is to strengthen capacity of higher education institutions in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), to educate more and better qualified candidates, and to increase quality and quantity of research conducted by the countries’ own researchers.

So far in the programme, three calls for project proposals have been published, the last one in 2020. Since 2013, UiS has been granted support for three following projects:

2020: Enhancing Lean Practices in Supply Chains: Digitalization (2 partners: Institut Teknolog Bandung in Indonesia and University of Moratuwa in Sri Lanka); Project coordinator: Prof. Chandima Ratnayake Mudiyanselage)

2020: Institutional Network for Design and Manufacturing Education and Training (2 partners in Ethiopia: Jimma University and Wollega University); Project coordinator: Prof. Hirpa Gelgele Lemu

2020: Implementing simulation – based education in Malawi and Tanzania (2 partners: Kamuzu College of Nursing in Malawi, Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College in Tanzania); Project coordinator: Prof. Ingrid Tjoflåt

2016Strengthening Numeracy in Early Years Primary Education through Professional Development of Teachers (QZA 0483 MWI-16/0020)

2013Improving Mathematics Teacher Education in Malawi (QZA 0483 MWI-13/0022). Project coordinator: Prof. Arne Jakobsen

NORHED institutional contact person at UiS:

Magdalena Brekke 
International office