The SHARE research projects reflect the diverse topics and challenges facing healthcare systems and healthcare workers across a broad contextual and organizational spectrum. Here you can read more extensively about five of the SHARE centre's larger research projects and their respective activities and publications during 2022.
Resilience in Healthcare
Resilience in healthcare is the diverse capacities of a healthcare system that allow it to maintain the delivery of high-quality care during and after events that challenge, change or disrupt its activities, by engaging people in collaborative and coordinated processes that adapt, enhance or reorganize system functioning in response to those events.
In short, the Resilience in Healthcare project has defined resilience as the capacity to adapt to challenges and changes in everyday practices at different system levels, to maintain high quality care.
COVCOM - COVID communication: Fighting a pandemic through translating science
The aim of the COVCOM project is to research the use of video for communicating complex, but important health messages about pandemics, primarily to the general population. The project is threefold: A qualitative study where we lay the groundwork through interviews and literature reviews; a creative study where we explore the creation of video communication; and a quantitative study where we test video communication in controlled experiments.
NORHED II - Implementing simulation-based health education
The aim of the NORHED II project is to implement simulation-based education to strengthen the capacity and quality of nursing and midwifery education in Malawi and Tanzania. This will be accomplished by improving competencies and implement simulation-based education in study programs and produce research. The project is built on South-South-North partnerships and contributes to share knowledge and capacity building in simulation-based education.
QUALinCLINstud - Improving quality in clinical placement studies in nursing homes
The Improving quality in clinical placement studies in nursing homes (QUALinCLINstud) project addresses the urgent need for improved quality and efficiency in clinical supervision and assessment of student nurses in nursing home placements. This will be approached through a novel, collaborative, co-productive, social innovation and learning process between the nurse education system, student nurses and nursing homes.
InvolveMENT - Involvement of youth to strengthen mental health services
The InvolveMENT project addresses quality and safety of mental health services for adolescents with mental health disorders and challenges affecting their everyday life. As part of the research strategy, youth are involved throughout multiple stages of the research, ranging from planning, carrying out, and analysing the research, through to disseminating the results. They have also been involved in funding applications. Ten youth Co-Researchers have been involved over the last year.